
How to Find and Change Calibre Library Location

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When talking about ebook managing system, Calibre is always the first one that comes into my mind. As the open-source ebook manager and converter, many avid ebook lovers use this freeware to manage their books from different sources. Do you actually know where your Calibre ebooks are stored? Have you ever thought about changing the Calibre library location? If yes, then you come to the right place. Here you’ll discover your Calibre library location on Windows/Mac, and learn how to change Calibre library location and even sync Calibre library across different computers.

1. Calibre Library Location on Window/Mac

If you’ve ever added any ebooks to Calibre, it will generate a folder named “Calibre Library” automatically. All your added ebooks, converted ebooks will be stored in Calibre default library location.

Where is the "Calibre Library" on your Windows or Mac?

Here is the easiest way to find the location of Calibre library.

Click any book on your Calibre library, its detailed information will be displayed at the right column. Then click “Click to open” besides the “Path” option.

open kindle library folder

You can easily open your Calibre folder in this way.

open kindle library folder

Updated: Since the Calibre has changed its interface in the new version, you can explore the Calibre file location by clicking "Folder: Book Files" to open the Calibre library location.

open kindle library folder

Below is the Calibre default folder location on Windows and Mac:

Windows: C:\Users\User Name\Documents\Calibre Library

Mac: /Users/User Name/Calibre Library

2. How to Change Calibre Library Location

You are not allowed to change the default Calibre location that stored your Calibre converted books, but if you need to do so, you can do it in this way.

1 Just copy all the data from your Calibre Library folder and then store them to the new new folder.

Remember to copy the metadata.db file because it stores all the metadata of your ebooks.

copy data from calibrary

2 Go to Calibre>>Calibre Library menu>> Switch/Create Library.

change calibre library folder

Click on the "Folder" icon in the pop-up window, and navigate to the new folder that stored your Calibre books and metadata.

copy data from calibrary

All done, your old Calibre library will still there but you'll have a new Calibre library with the same name as your new Calibre ebook folder. And you can switch between these two libraries in your Calibre.

copy data from calibre

3. Advanced Tutorial: Sync Calibre Library across Computers

Is there any way to keep the Calibre library synced across two computers? Sure, if you can transfer your Calibre library to your cloud storage and then set it as the new Calibre library, you can always access your Calibre library from any computer. Let's see how we can make this happen.

1 Download and install the cloud storage app.

Download: Google Drive | OneDrive | Dropbox

Since I've already installed the OneDrive, here I will show you how to sync Calibre library across computer with the assistance of OneDrive.

2 Create a new folder named "Calibre cloud library" in your OneDrive, and then copy and paste all data from your original Calibre library to the "Calibre cloud library" folder. Then wait until all the data have been transferred to your OneDrive storage successfully.

upload calibre library to cloud

3 Go back to Calibre, click "Calibre library" on the top menu bar, then fill in the location of "Calibre cloud library" and click "OK". Then the Calibre cloud library has been set up on one computer. Now close the Calibre on this computer and give it a little time to sync the metadata of your Calibre library. Otherwise, you'll end up wth a snarled library.

add calibre cloud library

4 On any other computer that you want to access the Calibre Cloud library, please repeat the above steps. Then at the same OneDrive library as the Calibre Library location and you can build own web-based ebook library.

add calibre cloud library

Pro tip: Location of Onedrive on Windows/Mac

Windows: C:\Users\username\OneDrive

Mac: /Users/username/OneDrive

Notifications for syncing Calibre across different computers:

1 Since Calibre is not a multi-user program, you'll have to make sure only one instance of Calibre is accessing this cloud library.

2 Once you've finished the reading, please close the Calibre and sync the metadata of your Calibre. Otherwise, you'll damage your Calibre library database and cause the inconsistent with the files in your Calibre library.

3 Make sure you sync before every usage no matter which computer you are on.

After finishing this article, can you find your Calibre library location? Or do you have more tips or and tricks about Calibre library? Please just share them in the following comments.

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has been a passionate member of Epubor since 2017. Her mission is to enhance your ebook reading experience by sharing insightful tips and tricks. Join her on a journey towards reading excellence today!

08/16/2020 03:04:05

Thank you for this! I am an ebook addict but I struggle with Calibre. I really hate that program. The interface is like something from 1995 and it doesn't work like any other program's basic commands. I am at my wit's end with it.

Also, I think I have screwed up my installation in terms of directories and locations. But now I am getting a new computer and I would like to start fresh and see if I can make it work.

You have the best tutorials and info on how to manage ebooks. Could you help me get started with pointers to the best basic tutorials and tips for how to set up and use Calibre.

Thank you again!

08/17/2020 08:59:20

You are welcome. If you just want to manage your Calibre library, just follow the guide in this article.
If you want to install calibre drm plugin, just read Calibre DRM Removal Plugins: https://www.epubor.com/calibre-drm-removal-plugins.html

Any more problem, please feel free to contact us.

04/25/2022 20:24:20
Why the Calibre needs a stupid thing like a calibre library?
My books are arranged over 5 different harddrives in the same computer. Every harddrive has different books in different directories. (Tens of gigabytes of books)
Why cant the calibre work like a normal book reading program and open when i click in some book in some drive and not to try to copy the book  to some "central" directory?
And why, when i am making lets say a .pdf from .epub, the calibre cant simply ask where i want that book to be saved every single time?? I do NOT want to save them to a single dir in single drive every time.
06/15/2022 03:02:48

Calibre is open-source, feel free to write the features you want.


01/31/2023 22:17:23
I was wondering if one can change out calibre media folders. I am working with a "filtered" html saved version of my manuscript where the html was "cleaned" by MS Word in a save (html filtered). Unfortunately, the filtered version reduced the size of my images by about 3/4. It also just dropped about a third of the images. They are all still referenced in the calibre html code. I already have an original copy of the manuscript in a calibre version that I ported directly from MS Word with a corresponding media file of the full size images (all of them). I am not a coder, but I can follow directions. Is there a way to swap the media files so my cleaned html version will use the (same numbered) images from the full MS Word of the calibre manuscript? I realize I could probably just import them one a t a time, but I was wondering if I could swap the full image folders. Thanks.
07/27/2023 03:10:19
Under Linux ???
07/27/2023 10:33:12

Hello, thanks for your comment.

Could you please describe your question more clearly so we can help you?

Any questions, please contact us via support@epubor.com.
Best regards,
Epubor Team

10/27/2023 22:54:38

all of this seems very clear, and seems to work just fine on the machine that I just set up. However, I am not completely sure what "Once you've finished the reading, please close the Calibre and sync the metadata of your Calibre." means.  I know how to close Calibre, but "sync the metadata" is not clear.  I know where the metadata file is (at the end of the folder containing all the Calibre sub folders), but am not clear on syncing that after closing calibre.

This worries me a bit because Calibre says, directly under the dialogue box for specifying a new location for the library, "Do not put your calibre library on a networked drive."

Many thanks.

06/8/2024 13:45:35

Hello Calibre
I just converted to books, one from MOBI and one from epub, both to PDF. And I can't find Calibre new Library as it was advised on your page! When I type a list of books comes up that I converted two years ago, and those two books that I just convert are not in this list!

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

thanks for your time.

06/11/2024 09:05:25
I've changed the calibre folder name to "Calibre new library". if you are using the new version of calibre, you can just click "Folder:Book files" to find where your calibre files stored.
06/8/2024 23:13:59
After I posted yesterday's request for help, I did some trials & errors on your app. I have discovered the solution! Now I can save the finished product (PDF) in a visible folder on my desktop.
06/11/2024 09:43:31
Thank you for your comments.It seems you've changed the calibre library successfully.
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