We often get an .ACSM file after purchasing an eBook online, but it's not the eBook file. Here I will tell you how to convert ACSM to EPUB and PDF, then strip eBook DRM for reading on various devices.
To convert ACSM to EPUB you just need to follow these simple steps:
- Install Adobe Digital Editions (ADE)
- Authorize with your Adobe ID
- Open the .ACSM file via ADE
- ADE would save the .acsm to .epub (or .pdf)
- Use EPUB DRM Removal to remove DRM from the EPUB
Below is the step-by-step guide.
How to Convert ACSM to EPUB books
Step 1 Download Adobe Digital Editions 4.5 (ADE).
Step 2 Register an Adobe Account and authorize ADE with your Adobe Account by clicking "Help"->"Authorize computer".
please press "Ctrl + Shift + D" (Mac users press "Command + Shift + D") to wipe out the formal authorization information and re-authorize with the correct Adobe ID.
Step 3 Open .ACSM with authorized Adobe Digital Editions to download eBooks.
Double click the .ACSM format file you downloaded from the online library, then it will be opened with Adobe Digital Editions as default and start downloading.
Tips: If your .ACSM file is not opened by ADE as default, right click the file and select "Open with" -> "Adobe Digital Editions 4.5 ".
Output path of your EPUB file is:
For Windows: ...\My Documents (Documents)\My Digital Editions ...
For Mac: Users/Your computer name/Digital Editions ...
You can also switch to "File" Menu -> "Item Info" -> "Location" to check the location of your downloaded EPUB book.
After downloading the eBook, you can delete the .ACSM or back it up for downloading the eBook later.
We can read the converted EPUB eBooks on Adobe supported devices like Sony eReader, Kobo reader, Android Devices (with reading apps like BlueFire installed) etc. Just copy the converted EPUB files to the specified eBook folder of your device with the USB cable connected to your computer. Make sure your eReader is authorized with the same Adobe account, otherwise you will be prohibited to open the EPUB books.
However, you can't directly read the books on Apple Devices (iPad, iPod, iPhone with iBooks) and Amazon Kindle titles because they don't support Adobe DRMed books unless you can install compatible ADE app. So we have to remove DRM from the eBooks, then transfer them to anywhere as you like. Here is the best software for removing DRM from Adobe DRM protected ePUB.
How to remove DRM from ACSM (EPUB)
Step 1 Download Epubor Ultimate.
Step 2 Run this program. If your EPUB files are converted from ACSM as the guide above, the program will find your EPUB files automatically and display it in the left column. You can simply drag the file from left side to right side to remove DRM.
You can right click on the added file and choose "Explore decrypted folder" or click "File"->"Open decrypted folder" to get your DRM free EPUB books.
Remove DRM from Kobo ACSM
If your ACSM files are downloaded from Kobo ebookstore, here is an easier way for you to remove drm: Kobo DRM Removal. It will automatically detect your ACSM files that you have downloaded to computer. No need to use Adobe ID to authorize your files any more.
FAQs on Converting acsm to epub
Q1: Can I convert acsm to epub online?
A: Yes, you can convert acsm to epub online with some online acsm to epub converter such as acsmconverter. However, you'll be failed in the most cases. You need to ensure your acsm file has not been converted or opened (fulfilled) at least once. Otherwise, you cannot convert acsm to epub online. The more stable way to convert acsm to epub is using Adobe Digital Editions.
Q2: How to convert acsm to epub Mac?
Converting acsm to epub on Mac is the as on Windows. You just need to download ADE, authorize with Adobe ID, and then fullfill the acsm with ADE. Then your acsm file will be converted to epub. You can follow the detailed steps illustrated in this post.
Q3: How to convert ACSM to EPUB Calibre
To convert acsm to epub with calibre, you need to install the calibre acsm plugin first, the authorize your adobe id within Calibre. Then you can download acsm to epub with calibre.
Q4: What's the best acsm to epub converter?
The official acsm to epub converter is Adobe Digital Editions. Please remember not all acsm can be converted to epub files. If your original source is pdf, your acsm file will be downloaded as pdf file. To convert acsm to epub, you will need the best ACSM to Epub Converter -- Epubor Ultimate which can remove drm from acsm adobe files and convert acsm to epub file with 100% original quality.

Ada Wang works for Epubor and writes articles for a collection of blogs such as ebookconverter.blogspot.com.
I did not see a software to remove DRM. You mentioned being the best software but did not give the name.
Thanks for viewing our site!
The page has introduced the software, here is the link:
Thanks for this guide. However, I tried getting an ID but never received an email confirmation from Adobe. So in the end I tried 'activate without an ID' and it worked fine. So maybe you don't need to bother?
I also didn't bother with DRM for the two books I converted. They seem to work fine.
Thanks again.
Hi Clemira,
We are very sorry for the late reply.
Calibre is not able to add your books because your books are DRM protected, Calibre is only able to handle those DRM-free eBooks.
Now have you get the .ePub files or still .acsm files?
Hi, Anil
Glad it works.
Feel free to tell us for any further problem.
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Hi, Zizzi
Thanks for your kind words. We are glad that our guide helps.
"the program will find your EPUB files automatically."
I bought a Google E-book (acsm file) and opened it in ADE, but apparently the file hasn't turned into an EPUB file; instead, it appears as a .pdf file instead. I tried putting ".epub" at the end of the file name, but the program failed in removing the DRM.
How do I solve this???
Hi Louise,
Yes sometimes the .acsm will give a PDF file.
Then you need to use our Adobe EPUB&PDF DRM Removal, it can handle both EPUB and PDF files.
Adobe Digital Editions fails to download epub content from acsm, just says about some license error and server error with something about unknown filetype.
Authorization is ok, tried that to some sample book (acsm) from ade website.
this drm is frustrating, you can't read the book you just bought.. :/
This problem happens when you are not connecting your Adobe account with the account of the online store where you bought this book.
I would recommend you contact the book store's customer service for this issue.
So what's the proper way to connect adobe account to let's say mat google account? I may as well create new adope account cause just made one yesterday for this purpose only.
So if I start with clear desk, what should I do to make sure things will work?
Did that, contacted to google, and thay said it is font which is causing problems and they are trying to solve problem. No timefrime tough. They also offered option to get refund from book.
This shows that drm is crap, if you cand download book with some font by using acsm file, but you could do it other way just fine. Sure there are lot more reasons why drm is crap, but...
Thank you for the information and the provided links, I could finally read the book I purchased on my kindle.
Thanks for sharing!
I have tried to open that acsm file, but it's always appearing a window saying: "Error! Check activation."
I've got either Adove Digital Edition and
What do I have to do?
I have tried to open that acsm file, but it's always appearing a window saying: "Error! Check activation."
I've got either Adove Digital Edition and
What do I have to do?
1, Install Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) on your computer and authorize your computer with Adobe ID.
2, Click .acsm file to download ebook file, make sure you can read the EPUB/PDF books on ADE.
3, Run Epubor software and add the EPUB/PDF books from default ADE content folder to software's main window, and remove DRM.
Detailed info: http://www.epubor.com/faq.html?utm_medium=cms&utm_source=cms&utm_campaign=sms&utm_content=smsReply_20150401#e201
If problem occurs, please delete all the books and sync again.
Can you tell me which software you are using? EPUB DRM Removal?
Glad to hear that your problem has been solved.
The Kindle DRM Removal only supports Kindle formats, but you are trying to remove DRM from EPUB with it, so it says "Don't support the format"
Thank you !
1. Ctrl + Shift + D, erase authorization.
2. Delete your files under "My Digital Editions".
3. Download the old version of ADE, log in with your Adobe ID(authorize).
4. Download your ACSM file again and drag it to the ADE.
1- Visit this link--Google help center
2- Click in CONTACT US (upper right corner)
3- Explain the problem
Then the Google will contact you about solving this problem.
The DRM removal seemed to work just fine, but the de-DRM pdf I got has the following tezt
"Your ebook has decrypted.
The TXT file just save 20% of ebook content.
Please register the software, then get full content and the valid ebook
Only a fifth of the book is actually there. Is there any way to get around this?
Thank you for this post. ABSOLUTELY as simple as that.
Thank you
You are using the trial version. It will decrypt and convert 20% content of each book.
Here is the solution:
Solution 1: Buy the full version.
Solution 2: Ask for customer support team to ask for temporary license.
Solution 3: Contact editor team to help translation the software or one article in exchange of a free license .
It's not working so I mus reEd it in browser.
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Thank you to use Epubor Ultimate. To unlock the full content, please use the licensed version>>https://www.epubor.com/ultimate.html
You can either purchase the licensed version or get it for free >>https://www.epubor.com/get-free-license.html
That's because of the limitation of the Epubor Ultimate. The full license will enable you to the ebooks in its original format.
Purchase epubor ultimate here>>https://www.epubor.com/ultimate.html
Hi: I have a fully licensed version of Epubor Ultimate v3.0.12.610. I'm trying to decrypt and convert a new book I just downloaded to Adobe Digital Editions. ADE has my login and account correctly set up and I've successfully converted previous ACSM files. With this book I get an error message: AdeptDRM failed!
To test, I again successfully converted a previous book from last week so it's only this book, Any suggestions you have would be appreciated.
Thanks. --George
Please delete this book and try to download it with ADE on your computer again. Then try to remove DRM with Epubor software again. If you are still failed,
Please send the answer to our support@epubor.com:
where did you purchased this book?
Can you read it on your computer with ADE?
Then we will try our best to help you fix it.
Have a nice day.
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Have a nice day!
I have got an error: from ADE:
Unable to download
Error getting License. License Server Communication Problem:
when I tried to open an ACSM file with ADE.
I am not able to complete the steps
I have tried several times to convert my acsm to epub. However, I keep getting the same message about the connection error. My computer is connected to internet, I have verified. But I keep getting this message.
What can I do do solve this issue?
Thank you in advance for your solution.
Best regards,
Please tell us where did you get this books. Also, please note Epubor software can handle ebooks purchased from amazon, kobo, google play and nook.
Any more problem, please contact us via support@epubor.com.
I know I can just leave ADE on 3.0 and forget it but would still like to know what is causing the error.
Hello, thanks for your message.
This is due to the security settings for your Mac. By default your security preferences only allow installation of apps from the Mac App store and identified developers.
To solve this problem, go to System Preferences>Security & Privacy. On the General tab, click on the little lock icon in the lower left corner to unlock the general preference pane. Then select the Open Anyway radio button beneath Allow applications downloaded from.
Any other questions or concerns, pleas feel free to contact u s via support@epubor.com.
Best regards,
Epubor Team
I'm sorry that we can't make sure that our software can decrypt all the books you downloaded from your University library, but you can test some books with Epubor Ultimate. If it failed to remove DRM, our software doesn't support it.
Epubor Ultimate can support decrypting and converting the most books you purchased from common websites like Amazon Kindle, Kobo, Barnes & Noble Nook, and so on.
Any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
Best regards,
Epubor Team
May I ask where you downloaded and purchased this book?
I'm sorry that our Epubor Ultimate does not support the e-books you rented from a Library.
Any other questions, please feel free to contact us via support@epubor.com
Best regards,
Epubor Team
You can send the books to us via epubor.service@gmail.com