CBR is the most popular comic format on the Internet. But it's unsupported on e-book readers or tablets. It's a pity that you have many CBR comic books at hand but you can't read them on your Kindle or iPad. So I come up with the idea of converting CBR files into PDF format which most e-book readers support. Here we list two methods of converting CBR to PDF.
Method 1. Convert CBR to PDF with Calibre
Calibre is a very powerful and free e-book management program. It supports multiple e-book formats conversion.
Step1. Download and install Calibre
Click here to download Calibre. Choose the right platform to suit your PC.
Step2. Add CBR comics
Launch Calibre and click "Add books" to add comics. You can also drag comic files to Calibre. Select the comic you want to convert and it will be added to the list.
Select comic
Book list
Step3. Set and Convert
Click "Convert books" and a window will pop up. You need to set something up. Don't be confused about these complicated options. There is no much setting to do in deed. Just do as the pictures below shows.
Set out format as "PDF"
Comic input set
Generally you just need to follow the two steps above. It must point out that you must select the "Disable comic processing" option otherwise the colorful comic will turn into black-and-white one.
Method 2. Convert CBR to PDF with Microsoft Word
Many people think it's boring and inconvenient to download and install software. They want a simple way like using something very common. So here comes the second method – converting with Microsoft Word, a program which almost everyone has in their PC. OK, let's follow the steps below
Step1. Change your CBR files into images
You may be confused of this step. Actually CBR means "Comic Book RAR". A CBR files is a RAR file. Rename the CBR filename suffix "cbr" into "rar" and extract the new rar file. You'll get a new folder of many pictures.
Rename cbr file-1
Rename cbr file-2
Extract file
Step2. Import image
Create a new Microsoft Word file. Click "Insert" to import images you just extracted before. Press "Ctrl" and "A" together to select all images.
Import images
Step3. Set page layout
You need to set the page layout to suit the e-book reader's screen. This step is a bit complicated. But don't worry. Just do as the guide says below.
First, press "Ctrl" and "A" together to select all image in the docx. Set the align mode as "center".
Set image alignment
Click "Page Layout" and the setup icon to call out the page layout menu.
Page layout menu
Select "Margins" and set all margins as "0".
Set page margins
Select "Paper" and set width and height. For a better reading experience, I suggest you set the width and height similar to your –e-book reader's resolution. For example, if your e-book reader is Kindle Fire which has a resolution of 1024*600. Then you should set the width and height as "6.00" and "10.24".
Set paper size
Select "Layout". Set options like this:
Set layout
When these all be done. Save the doc file as PDF format.
Save as PDF
I'm sure you've learned how to convert CBR to PDF with these two methods above. Now just enjoy comics on your e-book reader!

Jonny Greenwood joined Epubor since 2011, loves everything about eBooks and eReaders. He seeks the methods to read eBooks more freely and wants to share all he has got with you.
Thanks! The only thing is I do not know why when I coverted my comic from CBR to PDF it became black and white and not full color.
Dear Jonny
I have just made it. It worked perfectly and even the collor pages remained.
Best regards and thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Stay safe