FFmpeg AAX to MP3?--Can I do this if I am not a technical guy? Maybe you can do it, but I am not sure. For most of you, you should not try this method. Anyway if you insist on doing so, here's a step-by-step guide to help you convert your AAX files to MP3 for free with FFmpeg, a powerful and free command-line tool.
Step 1: Download and Install FFmpeg
1. Download FFmpeg from official FFmpeg website to download the correct version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux). In the following part, I will show you how to convert aax to mp3 with ffmpeg on Windows. The steps on Linux and Mac will be slightly different.
2. Unzip it and you'll find the excutable files are in the bin folder:
Step 2: Obtain Your Audible Activation Code (Not an Easy job)
1. Use ffprobe.exe to Get the Checksum of the AAX File.
Run the following command to get the checksum from the AAX file. The checksum value is shown after "file checksum == " in the output.
ffprobe.exe input_file.aax
2. Use "rcrack" to Calculate the "activation_bytes" from the Checksum
Download rcrack to your computer first.
Use "rcrack" to compute the "activation_bytes" based on the checksum obtained in the previous step. The "activation_bytes" is shown after "hex" in the result.
Note: This command should be executed in the "rcrack" directory.
run\rcrack.exe . -h b1d2...5c6a
3. Use "ffmpeg" to Convert the File
Now that you have FFmpeg installed and your activation code, you can use the following command to convert your AAX file to MP3.
ffmpeg.exe -activation_bytes 02...09 -i input_file.aax -c copy output_file.mp4
OUR_ACTIVATION_CODE: Replace this with the Audible activation code you obtained earlier.
input_file.aax: Replace this with the name of your AAX file.
output_file.mp3: Replace this with the desired name for your MP3 file.Here I set the output format as mp4 and the file name as test.
Of course, you can set MP3 as the output format. Once the command is executed, FFmpeg will convert the AAX file to MP3. You can find the MP3 or MP4 file in the same directory as the original AAX file.
Now after reading this article, do you have any clue on convert aax to mp3 with ffmpeg? It is not an easy job, right? At least, it is very difficult for me although I have some code knowledge, not much. Do you still want to try ffmpeg convert aax to mp3? Very frustrating in this whole process. I can succeed in convertin audible to mp4 which should credit my colleague. But I write the steps in details. Hope this can help you.
Do you want things be much easier? Simply try Epubor Audible Converter-- the one stop solution for downloading, decrypting and converting audible to MP3 with no quality loss.
One-stop solution for Audible Audiobooks--Downloading, Decrypting and Converting
Simple steps are here:
1. Just download and install Epubor Audible Converter.
2. Loginto Audible within Epubor Audible Converter.
3. Refresh the left side panel to load your audible library, drag them to the right side, choose the output format, and click on "Convert" button to convert aax to mp3, mp4 or m4b format.
Super easy with no command line!
I have to mention that Epubor Audible Converter is a paid software with free trial version. The free trial can convert 1 book for free. Anyway, it is deserve to download and have a try as they have the super easy interface, always stand by customer support, and regular free update.
That's it! You've successfully converted an AAX file to MP3 using Epubor Audible Converter. This process is super fast and allows you to enjoy your Audible audiobooks in a more accessible format.

Iris Yan has been a passionate member of Epubor since 2017. Her mission is to enhance your ebook reading experience by sharing insightful tips and tricks. Join her on a journey towards reading excellence today!