Note: The trick only works with Kindle Paperwhite 1. Read install custom fonts to Kindle for Kindle Paperwhite 2/3, Kindle Voyage or other Kindle eReaders.
Comparing with paper book, e-book gives us an easy and various reading experience. We can adjust the text display style when reading with an e-book reader. Let's take the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite for example, it allows you to change the font effect such as type, font size, line spacing, margins just with simple settings. You may have find that every e-book has the same font-size, spacing and margins settings, but as for font type, different e-books have different font types. This is because the font types are provided by the publishers. Just like this:
The publisher only offers 5 font types for this book. We have no more choice. So what if you just don't like the font types they provide? Does it possible to add some extra font types to the Kindle Paper white?
The answer is yes. Some people may think of hacking Kindle Paperwhite. Indeed we can add font types in an easy way, without any hacking or technical work. Just some copy and post jobs. You even don't need to install any programs or type some boring and complicated commands. Ok, just follow the tutorial below and custom your font type on Kindle Paperwhite.
PS: If the publisher has locked the font that we can't choose any font type in the font settings, then this trick won't work.
1 Get the fonts you like
We can get many fonts on the Internet. I recommend two font websites: DaFont.com and FontSquirrel. They all have plenty of free fonts. There are two kinds of fonts: otf and ttf. It's better to choose the ttf font as the Kindle Paperwhite may not recognize the otf fonts. Here I choose the "Elephant" font.
2 Transfer fonts to Kindle Paperwhite
Connect your Kindle Paperwhite to PC with USB cable. At the root directory, create a new folder called "fonts". Open the new folder and put the fonts you've got in step 1 here.
They navigate to the root directory again. Right click on the blank and choose "New" – "Text Document" to create a new text file. Rename it as "USE_ALT_FONTS" (Evert letter should be uppercase) and delete its suffix ".txt". You may meet a warning like this:
Click "Yes" to confirm and you'll find the file has no suffix.
Someone may find that all the files on their computer have no suffix. This is because the Windows has hiden the file extension by default. We can let it show again. Click "Organize" at the folder window and choose "Properties" – "View" – "Files and Folder", deselect the option "Hide extension for known file types". Then you can see the file extension again.
3 Test the new font
Eject your Kindle Paperwhite from PC. Tap "Menu" – "Settings" – "Menu" – "Restart" to reboot device. Open an e-book, tap the top area of the screen and choose "Aa". You'll find there are more fonts which you haven't seen before and the new font "Elephant" I added just before is in the font list too. Tap the new font and you can find it works.

Jonny Greenwood joined Epubor since 2011, loves everything about eBooks and eReaders. He seeks the methods to read eBooks more freely and wants to share all he has got with you.
I followed the instructions on my new Kindle PW 2013 and the trick doesn't work :(
Is it only me?
Hi Silvia,
Have you added the .txt file USE_ALT_FONTS in the root directory?
Hi Mu,
This method is only working for 1st generation of Kindle Paperwhite.
For the 2nd gen, there isn't a solid way yet.
I am using Kindle Paperwhite 2nd gen
Amazon disabled this ability in updates beyond 5.3.9. Even when I downgraded back to that firmware I still couldn't get it to work whereas it worked fine with the same firmware *before* the update.
There is, however, a not too difficult hack to add custom fonts via jailbreaking on mobiereads. They make it sound way more difficult than it actually is but I had no problems with it. There's also a pretty convenient hack on there to turn the frontlight completely off when it's not needed (it's always on, otherwise, and it helps a lot with contrast in a lit room).
FWIW I'm using a ttf font called Crimson now that makes a *huge* difference in the text contrast on my PW1. Still not as clear as my Voyage, of course, but it's a big, big improvement.
hello Team
I think I can help you on this.
use Calibre software to convert your files with respective font and load your files in ANY KINDLE DEVISE it will work for you.
I did with my some of HINDI font (Indian Language) books and it works even different regional languages
hello Team
I think I can help you on this.
use Calibre software to convert your files with respective font and load your files in ANY KINDLE DEVISE it will work for you.
I did with my some of HINDI font (Indian Language) books and it works even different regional languages
hello Team
I think I can help you on this.
use Calibre software to convert your files with respective font and load your files in ANY KINDLE DEVISE it will work for you.
I did with my some of HINDI font (Indian Language) books and it works even different regional languages
use this
need more support email me.
a.thakur04 at gmail.com
kindle paperwhite finally supports custom fonts :)
Thank you so much!