When buying or reading a book, at the first glance you intested in is the cover, yes? For paper books after we choose one book we can't change the cover any more. But unlike the paper books, for eBooks it's possible to change their covers.
Probably there are some people like to change epub cover calibre, but if you are not so professional at computer, this recommended program Ultimate Converter maybe your type. It's easy to use.
Firstly get it downloaded for free.
Windows Version Download Mac Version Download
Then here is a guide how to use this Ultimate Converter.
Step1: Load epub books
Run this tool, then click "Add" button to load epub books you want to change cover.
As the image shows, either your epub books are DRMed or DRM free, you can still load them to this program.
If you want to strip the drm protection, take a look at how to remove DRM from ePub.
Step2: Change EPUB Cover
Click on "Edit" button, it will pop up a window that allows you to edit epub metadata, such as title, author, publisher, certainly including ebook cover. For how to edit ebook metadata, click here to get more information.
Here you can change your epub book's cover with 3 methods. To begin with click on "Edit".
1Download default cover
This program helps you grab some suitable images in this book, and then download it to use as cover. You don't have to resize them because this tool already have done it for you. Click "Download", several seconds it will provide some images for you. Choose the cover you like, "OK".
Then "Apply"-"Finish". Back to the main interface, you will see the new cover has been applied to this book in this program.
2 Browse your image as epub cover
If the default or presented cover is not your cup of tea, you can browse the images on your computer, then choose one you like to set. Click on "Browse".
For instance, here I don't like the images this program has provided, then I can browse from my local computer to choose another image I like. Then click "Apply", "Finish".
3 Replace to use Epubor cover
If you neither like the default covers nor want to spent time searching images on your computer, you can click "Replace" button to get a proper image soon. This program has get an image already for you. Then "Apply"-"Finish".
Step3: Convert ePub to ePub
Though afer you click the "Apply" button you will get back to the interface and you can see the new cover has been used on your book, but in fact your changing are just applied to this program but not the book really. So click the "Convert" button please.
Step4: Enjoy the new book cover
after the epub to epub conversion you will get a new eBook at the output folder, in which the change of cover has been appied to the book and nest time you open them they are with new cover, too. Transfer them to your devices please.
Now you can enjoy your epub books in new cover on multiple devices such as Kobo, iPad, iPhone, etc. In one word, with this program you can change epub cover android, change epub cover iBooks, change epub cover mac, etc.
Windows Version Download Mac Version Download
- How to add cover to epub.
- Want to change kindle cover, click this link.

Jonny Greenwood joined Epubor since 2011, loves everything about eBooks and eReaders. He seeks the methods to read eBooks more freely and wants to share all he has got with you.