
How to Delete Books from iBooks

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As iOS system is more and more popular among young people, many eBook lovers choose to purchase and read eBooks on iBooks. With a iPhone/iPad, you can carry your whole eBook library in your pocket. How convenient it is! It allows you to use every fragmented time to read and study! It is very common that your iPhone/iPad space is full, it's time for you to consider about deleting books from iBooks. How to keep fit for your increasing iBook library will be a challenge. I will share some methods with you guys about how to delete books from iBooks on iPhone/iPad/Mac.

Delete Books from Apple Books (Mac catalina)

Delete Non-purchased Books from iPad

Even the super fan of Apple will not only purchase the eBooks from iBooks store. So you may have many books are copied from somewhere else. If you do not know how to copy eBooks to iphone, you can read How to Copy EPUB to iPhone.

The universal way to delete books from iBooks.

Step1: Launch iBooks app on iPhone/iPad.

launch ibooks

Step 2: Tap My Books at the bottom left corner of your iBooks. You will see all your books under the All Books tab.

tab my books

Step 3: Tab Select at the top right corner, then click the book you want to delete from the iBook. Now tap Delete at the top left corner, it will pop a Delete in red color, just tap it, your selected books will be deleted.

delete books from ibooks

How to delete the collections from iBooks?

iBooks now features Collections, which let you group books or PDFs into any category you wish. There are some Collections (Books, audiobooks, samples and PDFs) by default on iBooks already. And these Collections can’t be removed or edited. For the collections you added, you are allowed to delete them if you want.

Step 1: Press the collections drop-download list at the central top, you will seem all collections at your iBooks, besides the default collection, you will also see the collection you added.

edit ibooks collections

Step2: Press Edit right next to Collections, you will see collections you are allowed to edit with a red icon before them.

delete ibook collections

Step 3: Tap the red icon, the Delete button will pop up at the right side.

delete ibooks collections

Step 4: Tap the Delete, it will pop up a new window with three options: Delete Collection and Content, Delete Collection only, and Cancel. If you select delete the collection only, the book will still in your iBooks at the Books collections. If you select Delete Collection and Content, your books will be deleted from iBooks.

delete collections

The non-purchased books are deleted from iBooks completely. You will not see the cover or title at your iBooks.

Delete Purchased Books in iBooks

If you try to delete the purchased books in iBooks, you can also follow the above method, but when you press on Delete, it will only allow you to Remove Download like the following picture. You will still see this book is still in your iBooks with a Cloud icon at the top right corner with a download arrow. According to Apple’s policy, you are not allowed to delete the books in cloud and you are able to redownload the purchase books anytime you want by pressing the book cover.

remove download

How to hide iCloud books in iBooks?

Some people will feel uncomfortable when the iBooks has been deleted but still displayed in iBooks. By the restriction of Apple’s policy, it is not easy for us to delete them completely from iBooks. Here is another alternative way to solve your problem—hiding them.

Step 1: Tap All Books, you will find the option Hide iCloud Books at the bottom of the drop-down list.

Step 2: Enable this function Hide iCloud Books and all books in cloud will be disappeared from your iBook bookshelf.

hide icloud books hide icloud books

How to delete books from purchased history?

As we known that the book purchased through iBook store will stay in your purchase history for as long as they are available to download. Even if we have deleted the purchased books from iBooks bookshelf, the purchase history will still be there. This is really annoying some time. I will show you how to hide the purchase history.

Step 1: Launch iBook on Mac. Enter your Apple account information. The windows user will not find this option because the iTunes has forbidden the iBooks functions in it.

purchased ibooks

Step 2: Click on Purchased under the Quick link tab. You will see all your purchased books. When you move your mouse to one book, you can see a little X at the top right corner of the book. Click on “X”, a window will pop up and ask if you want to hide the purchase. Click on Hide button, the book will disappear from your purchase history.


hide iBooks purchased history

How to delete Books from iBooks completely?

Although deleting books from iBooks is not easy, but we still can achieve our goal with some useful tools. I have find a very easy to use tool--Tenorshare iCareFone which enables you delete the books from iBooks completely. Now it is available for both Windows and Mac. The biggest drawback for this software is it is not free. The trial version only allow your manage 20 files in maximum.

Step 1: Install the Tenorshare iCareFone.

Download link for Windows.
Download link for Mac.

Step 2:  Connect your iPhone/iPad with your computer with USB cable. Run the Tenorshare iCareFone. Click on File manager at the home page, then click on iBooks, you will see all books stored in your iBooks, not matter downloaded books, copied books, or even books in cloud.

file manager

Step3: Check the book title you want to delete, then click on Delete.your iBooks.

delete ibooks

It will pop up a new window ask if you want to delete this book, just click on Yes. The book will be deleted completely from iBooks, no matter at local or in cloud.

click yes

These are some mothods I want to share with you guys about deleting books from iBooks. If you have any better resolution, you are welcome to share them in the comments.


joined Epubor since 2011, loves everything about eBooks and eReaders. He seeks the methods to read eBooks more freely and wants to share all he has got with you.

03/26/2015 22:24:41

Tap “Show All Purchases” and set it to off. Now exit iBooks app and launch it again on the iPad. It will no longer show the purchased books you have deleted but are still available to download

I'm not showing this option on my iPhone 6. Is there another way to permanently erase free book samples?

04/5/2015 15:56:48
You can "hide" purchases by logging into your iTunes account, and "hiding" purchases, but then they still show on your iPad with the Cloud symbol. But you don't have to hide all purchases. Just swipe the title to the left, and you can delete it so it doesn't show with your other purchases.
07/5/2015 14:06:10
This is excellent content! I am highly impressed by your format and presentation of your views. I agree with you on most of your information.
10/11/2015 03:46:59
Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass' favor.
01/12/2022 20:40:36
Hey, so the app that you said will it delete it from your purchase history or not because my cousin downloaded a gross book and I want it completely gone.
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