
How to Export Evernote to PDF: A Complete Guide

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Talking about managing notes and clippings, which tool will be the first one to occupy your mind? Evernote! This is the brand that comes into my brain at first. I have to admit that Evenote did win great customers on the hyper-competitive market among so many competitors, like OneNote or Apple Notes. However, it is depressing that Evernote increases their subscription fee and decreases to only two devices for free users. This change has caused the seeking for converting evernote to pdf because they can back up their Evernote notes and clipping as well as read the pdf notes at any pdf supported devices or apps. Today, I have collected 2 different ways to convert evernote to pdf on both Windows and Mac.

Method 1. Export Evernote to pdf via printing
Method 2. Export Evernote to html and convert html to pdf

Method 1. Export Evernote to PDF via Printing

Although Evernote has "Export" option, you can not find the direct "Export to PDF” option. Anyway, you can print Evernote to pdf via vitual print no matter on mac or windows. Both Windows and Mac computers have built-in virtual printers.

Export Evernote to pdf MAC

Step 1. Launch Evernote on your Mac. Select "File" at the menu bar, and then choose "Print Note" at the drop-down list. 

print evernote to pdf mac

Step 2. The new window will pop up as below picture.  Select "Save as PDF" , name your pdf and click on " Save" button. 

save as pdf mac

Step 3. All done! The Evernote notes have been saved as PDF and stored on your computer.  

Bounus method for exporting evernote to pdf:

There is no direct "export to pdf“ option on Mac, but you can find "Convert to pdf" option on Mac. With this method, you can only export one note at a time. Below is the detailed steps.

Step 1. Open the note you want to export. Right click to on the note, and select "Convert Note to PDF".

select convert note to pdf option

Step 2. The note will be converted to pdf automatically and save in your evernotes. Find the note, and then click on "Download button" at the top right corner. A new window will pop up, just click on "Save" button and the PDF file will be saved on your Mac.

save evernote to pdf

Only two steps are needed, you can convert your evernote notes to pdf. What a easy method! Once again, I have to mention that you can only convert the note one by one if you are using this method.

Export Evernote to pdf Windows

Windows PC purchased in recent two years all have the built-in Printers with themselves. So there is no need to install a virtual printer anymore. If you do ensure there is no virtual printer on your Windows PC, just install one. There are so many options among the market, such as DoPDF and CutePDF.

Step 1. Right click the note you want to export to pdf and select "Export Notes" at drop-down list. ( Here I have selected two notes and export 2 notes at one time. If you like, you can select all notes by using "Ctrl+A" and then export all notes at one time.)

export notes windows

Step 2. The print setting page will pop up and you just select your vitual printer and click on "Print" button.

select printer

A new windows will pop up. Fill in file name and click on "Save" button. The conversion will start and the converted pdf file will stored on your computer.

fill in file name

This method is totally free and easy to use.

Method 2. Export Evernote to html and convert html to pdf

Although Evernote does not offer "export evernote to pdf " option, it did have four exporting options as below picture.

evernote export option

Why not export evernote as html and convert the html to pdf? If you are interested in this method, keep reading.

Step 1. Download evernote to html.

Right click the note you want to export and select "Export to" at the drop-down list. Then select "Export as a signle HTML Web page(.html)" at the pop up window, and click on " Export".

select export to

A new window will pop up to request you fill in the file name. Just fill the name and click on " Save" button, the exporting process will start. Once the note has been exported, a notification will pop up.

Step 2 Convert html to PDF with Epubor eBook Converter.

Epubor eBook Converter is the best ebook converter which can convert eBooks to any other format. The supported input formats include KFX, EPUB, PDF, AZW, AZW1, AZW3, AZW4, Mobi, PRC, TPZ, Topaz, TXT, and HTML. Output formats include EPUB, Mobi, AZW3, TXT, and PDF. There is not any trial limitation in its trial version and you can use the trial version for as long as you like.

Download eBook Converter for free:


Please note:

The above mentioned ebook converter only can convert DRM-free files to any other format. If you have ever purchased eBooks from Amazon, Kobo, Google Play etc, Epubor Ultimate will be a better option because of its super amazing DRM-Removing feature. What's more, the built-in conversion feature is also free in this software.

Download Epubor Ultimate for free:

Drag and drop the html to Epubor Ebook converter, then select and click on "Convert to pdf" at the central bottom. The html file will be converted to PDF.

convert html to pdf

When html will be converted to pdf, you can see “succeeded” at the end of the title. Click "Succeeded" to open the folder stored the converted pdf file.


This is the second method that I want to share with you.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How to migrate from Evernote to OneNote?

A:You can watch this tutorial to get the instant instructions.

Q: How to migrate from Evernote to AppleNote?

A: Export evernot to .enex format and then import note to AppleNote as below picture.

export evernote to applenote


No matter you want to export evernote to pdf, or migrate evernote to Onenote or AppleNote, you can find a solution in this article. If you have any better solution, please kindle share with us in the comments and later we can add them in the article.


has been a passionate member of Epubor since 2017. Her mission is to enhance your ebook reading experience by sharing insightful tips and tricks. Join her on a journey towards reading excellence today!

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