Many people like listening to audiobooks on Audible. If you have a membership, it is easy to get unlimited listening access to various selections of audiobooks. But can you use Audible without a subscription? If you want to read some interesting audiobooks you like on Audible, we're happy to share several methods for people who don't want to subscribe to any subscription plans. You must find the one that is best for you!
Listen to Audible via 30-Day Free Trial
For audiobooks, we all have different needs. If you often spend several listening hours on audiobooks, it's not bad to have a subscription. In any case, there is a 30-day free trial for new users who can try all membership content at no cost. However, it is only worth it if you get the most out of your Audible membership!
Step 1 Go to Audible website and sign in to your Amazon account( If you don't have one, please create a new Amazon account under the 'New to Amazon' menu.)
Step 2 Find out the audiobook you want to listen to, then click "Try for $0.00."
Step 3 Then you just need to fill in your payment information, and the 30-day free trial will begin.
With the membership, you can listen to thousands of included audiobooks, podcasts, and Audible Originals on Audible, plus 2 credits, and get two free books from them. Of course, if you do not find yourself without the need for it, How to Cancel Audible Membership can provide you with detailed solutions.
Note: When the date is expired or you cancel the membership, the audiobooks you have purchased with a credit or debit card are still available on Audible. You will not lose them, and you'll be able to keep them permanently. But don't forget to cancel your subscription before the next billing cycle, or you'll automatically be charged the membership price at the start of each new billing cycle until you cancel.
Buy only the Audible audiobooks you want
1. How to buy books on Audible?
If you don’t want to invest too much money in audiobooks but prefer specific books only available on Audible, the better way is to buy a single book on Audible.
Option 1: Use credit card to buy a book
Step 1 Visit the Audible website or run the Audible app on your phone.
Step 2 Sign in to your Amazon account and search or browse for the audiobook that you want to listen to.
Step 3 Click "Buy for X.XX" and fill in your payment information.
After making the purchase, you will receive an email confirmation of your purchase, and your audiobook will be sent to the library. Now you can listen! However, purchasing an audiobook using a credit card is not currently available on the iOS app. If you want to purchase via credit card, please go to the mobile site.
Option 2: Use credits to buy a book
Audible can be compatible with different devices. If you have credits in your account, you can also buy a book with your credits. Here are the Audible purchasing on the different surfaces.
2. Listen to Audible free listens
Although Audible is not always free, Audible Free Listens part allows you to enjoy hundreds of free audiobooks, podcasts and more. No trial or membership is required. Just sign in with your Amazon account.
Of course, not all books on this list are completely free. If there is a book with "Buy for $0.00", then you can totally download it to your local computer. As for others, you need to purchase them just like buying a single book.
3. Get Daily Deals on Audible
You can find lots of deals and sales on Audible. Daily Deal lets members and non-members save big with special offers. Users are able to purchase a new and different title at a super-low price every day. To use this way, you can browse the deals page through the navigation on the top or you need to subscribe to their email to avoid missing out on the title you like.
4. Listen to audiobooks shared from friend or family
If you have a friend or family who has an Audible membership, they can share their audiobooks with you, just like "Giving as a gift", sharing via Family Library Household, sharing an Audible account, and so on. Even if you haven't joined a membership, Two People Can listen to Audible at The Same Time.
Bonus Tip: How to listen to Audible books on any devices without limits
No matter whether you subscribed to Audible, the only way to play your favorite audiobooks is to use the Audible website player or applications. While Audible provides unlimited access to thousands of titles for its members, you don't actually own these books and still have to buy them at a price not low. Moreover, you must listen to the books within the Audible app even if you purchased them. That’s why many people are looking to get away from Audible. Since you have already purchased Audible books, don't you want to listen to them on any device at any time?
Epubor Audible Converter can break this limitation! Simply download and install this software on your PC or Mac, then log into your Audible account in Epubor Audible Converter. Once your books are successfully loaded, you can drag and drop the audiobooks you like to convert them to local MP3/MP4/M4B files. Then you can enjoy offline listening to Audible without limits.
Listen to Audible books on Kindle
Listen to Audible via Whispersync for Voice
Audible is an important part of the Amazon family, if you also have a Kindle e-ink device or use the Kindle app, you're able to listen to Audible books by Kindle even without any Audible subscription.
Thanks to the Whispersync for Voice feature, there is a way that you can switch between listening to an audiobook and reading an e-book and then pick up exactly the same place as you left off. It's an Amazon service so you can go from listening to an Audible audiobook to reading books on Kindle. However, not every single book is included in this service. Here I will show you how to read and listen to the same book at the same time.
Step 1 Go to the Amazon Kindle Store, and find the option of Audible Narration on the left side, click and it will take you straight to the page of Kindle books with audio companions.
Step 2 Select the book you are interested in, and choose Kindle edition, on the right below the “Buy now” button, you can see “Add narration to your purchase just for $X.XX”, it’s less expensive than buying the same single Audible book.
Step 3 Finally go to the checkout page and finish the order, once you’ve purchased them, they should show up in your Library on Audible and Kindle for you to download.
You don’t need to subscribe to Audible, and even don’t need a separate Audible app, it’s easy to read and listen on the Kindle device or Kindle app on your smartphone.
Note: Don't forget to go to your Amazon account, and choose “Manage Content and Devices.” Find the “Device Synchronization (Whispersync Settings)” below Preferences, please make sure it's set to on.
Of course, buying a single e-book or Audible Narration is not always cheap, so having a Kindle Unlimited membership or Amazon Prime is not bad. Kindle Unlimited just costs $9.99 per month and there are over 60,000 books free for Kindle Unlimited members, and these books all have audible narrations. Amazon Prime Reading is the same, you can just pay $14.99 per month, and you can listen to audiobooks that have Audible narration without a subscription to Audible. Of course, both two of the membership plans have a 30-day free trial.
Final Thoughts
Audible is a very popular audiobook platform with plentiful audiobook sources. We have introduced several ways to listen to Audible without membership for people who have different reading and listening demands. I hope you can find the best way which suits you the most! Furthermore, maybe most people desire to listen to audiobooks anywhere and anytime without the limitations of the device.
So we highly recommend the Epubor Audible Converter software, which frees you completely out of the Audible website and application. It also supports removing the DRM of the audiobooks and converting the audiobooks to MP3/MP4/M4B files on your local computer, so that you can play your audiobooks on the smartphone and back up them on your local computer.

Nancy Hello, my name is Nancy! I’ve been always a book enthusiast, and I love reading very much. As an editor for Epubor, I’m glad to share all my favorite books, audiobooks, and tips to read E-books all I know.
I am logged in as a paying member. Yet I see an Audiobook link that says "Try free for $0.00". Clicking on that link just takes me to a standard page for the Audiobook indicating I have to purchase. Either this link should not appear to logged in paying subscriber or that particular book should be allowed to "try free". This is the very definition of bait and switch.