
4 Methods to Remove DRM from Kindle KFX eBooks in 2025 [Video]

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I've got a large amount of Kindle kfx ebooks in my library. How can I remove drm from kindle kfx ebooks?

remove kindle kfx drm

What is Kindle KFX format?

Kindle KFX format has been launched in 2015 but applied to almost all Kindle eBooks later in 2017. Nowadays, no matter the books downloaded via Kindle desktop for PC/Mac or Kindle e-ink device are all in Kindle KFX format. Usually, when you check the books you downloaded to your Kindle eReader, you'll find that they are all with the .kfx extension.

Kindle kfx ebooks

Knowledge share 1: The Kindle KFX eBooks you downloaded via Kindle for PC/MAC are not with the extension .kfx, but .azw as the below picture. Although, the Kindle books with the extension .azw, is the KFX format which can be told by the file structure and content.

Kindle ebook folder

Knowledge share 2: If you are using the Mac computer, some of your eBooks downloaded with Kindle for Mac may be in Kindle KCR format instead of kindle kfx, please follow the guide: how to remove drm from kindle kcr format to handle your kindle kcr books.

Knowledge share 3: Just as other Kindle formats, Kindle books in KFX format are protected by Kindle DRM. "How to remove kindle KFX DRM?"is the most frequently asked question. In the following part, 4 different methods are introduced to remove drm from Kindle ebooks, no matter your kindle books are downloaded via kindle for PC/Mac, Kindle eink devices, "Download and Tranfer via usb",or even downloaded via kindle for Android.

Kindle drm whiteboard

Get Yourself the Professional Kindle DRM Removal--Epubor Ultimate

To remove the drm from kindle ebooks, please download Epubor Ultimate first. Epubor Ultimate -- the first eBook tool on the market can remove Kindle KFX DRM quickly and losslessly. Below are the main reasons that this software is highly recommended.

Reason 1. Smoothly remove DRM from Amazon Kindle(include those published in 2023), kobo, Google Play and Nook books etc.

Reason 2. Easily convert eBook to any other formats. Batch conversion is also well supported.

Reason 3. 7/24 Customer Support.

Download Epubor Ultimate for free:

Method 1. Kindle Books Downloaded via Kindle for PC/Mac (with Video tutorial)

Watch the Video tutorial first

Step 1. Download Kindle KFX Books via Kindle for PC/MAC

Download and install the kindle for PC/Mac from the links below and download kindle books. If you have installed Kindle App on your computer already, please check the kindle app version first before removing drm. Ensure you are not using the kindle for PC 2.4.1 & kindle for mac 2.0 or later version. If you are using the later version, please uninstall them first and then download and install the correct version form the link below.

Download Kindle for PC 2.4.0 Download Kindle for Mac 1.40

Pro tips Epubor Ultimate supports Kindle for PC (version 2.4.0), Kindle for Mac (version 1.40), and older versions of the Kindle app.

Step 2. Launch Epubor Ultimate to remove Kindle KFX DRM

Download and install Epubor Ultimate.

Download Epubor Ultimate for Free Trial

Then click on "Kindle" tab in the left column and the downloaded Kindle eBooks will be detected and displayed automatically. Drag the Kindle books from the left to the right column, the DRM will be stripped automatically and you can see "Decrypted" at the end of each book.

remove Kindle KFX DRM

To find the decrypted Kindle KFX eBooks, click on “Decrypted” or click on "Output folder" icon at the bottom right.

explore decrypted books

Optional pro tip. Convert Kindle KFX to PDF/Epub/AZW3/Mobi

When your books have been decrypted, please find the convert button at the central button and select the output format at the drop down list and then click on "Convert to ...”.

conversion button

When the conversion has finished, you will see "Succeeded". Just click on "Succeeded", you can open the folder stored the converted eBooks.

conversion succeeded

Method 2. Kindle KFX eBooks Downloaded via Kindle e-Ink Devices

Step 1. Download Kind KFX eBooks via Kindle e-Ink device

If you happen to have a Kindle device, you can directly tap the book title at the library to get your Kindle eBooks downloaded. If your Kindle firmware is higher than 5.6, the eBooks you downloaded possibly in Kindle KFX format.

Note: This method works for the kindle devices with kindle firmware lower than Version 5.10.2. Otherwise, please download and transfer Kindle books via USB for DRM removing.

Step 2. Remove Kindle KFX DRM with Epubor Ultimate

Plug in your Kindle e-ink device to your computer with USB, and then run Epubor Ultimate. The Epubor Ultimate will automatically detect your Kindle e-ink device and show all downloaded books in the left column under your eReader tab. Just drag the books from the left to the right column and the books are decrypted automatically.

remove DRM from Kindle KFX

Step 3. Convert Kindle KFX to Epub/PDF/Mobi/azw3

For converting the KFX to Epub/PDF/MOBI/AZW3, just select the output format and click on "Convert to ...". Wait until the "Succeeded" appear. Then you can click on "output folder" at the bottom right to see all your converted kindle kfx ebooks.

Method 3. Download &Transfer Kindle Books via USB

Besides afore mentioned methods of downloading Kindle books, is there any other method to download Kindle books? Of course, here is another way to download your kindle books. You can download Kindle books via Kindle for Android or iOS, but there is no way to remove DRM from books downloaded via this method.

Alternatively, you can download your kindle books via "Download and transfer via usb" from Amazon website directly if you have any Kindle device registered with your Kindle account information.

more actions button

Important step: Please input your Kindle serial number to Epubor Ultimate for removing kinle kfx drm successfully. After get your kindle serial number, on Epubor ultimate, click " User center" icon at the top right corner-->>Settings-->>Kindle-->>input the Kindle serial Number and then click on "Ok".

input kindle serial number

Then drag your kindle books downloaded via "Download and tranfer via ubs" to Epubor ultimate, and your Amazon kindle kfx drm is cracked.

remove kindle kfx drm

Method 4: Download Kindle books via Android Emulator on Windows/Mac

The previous three methods have demonstrated how to remove DRM using Epubor Ultimate. However, there is another way to remove Kindle DRM: Epubor Kindle Converter . You might wonder why you should consider using this software when Epubor Ultimate is available. Well, if you're using Windows, you can effortlessly remove Kindle DRM with Epubor Ultimate. However, for Mac users, the situation is a bit more challenging. Some Kindle books downloaded via the latest Kindle for Mac are in Kindle KCR format (as shown in the picture below), which has not been cracked by any software at present. In such cases, Epubor Kindle Converter becomes your best option.

remove kindle kcr drm

Download Epubor Kindle Converter for free:

To use this method, please follow the below steps:

  • Step 1: Download and install Android simulator on Windows/Mac.
  • Step 2: Install kindle for android on the Android simulator.
  • Step 3: Download kindle books on Android simulator.
  • Step 4: Download and install Epubor Kindle Converter and remove drm with it.

Detailed guide is here:

Remove kindle drm on Windows with Kindle Converter

Remove kindle drm on Mac with Kindle Converter

recommend kindle converter epubor

Final Words

After reading the above 4 different methods of removing Amazon kindle drm, can you remove drm from your kindle kfx ebooks now? If you have any issue during the AmazonDRM removing process, please feel free to contact us via support@epubor.com to get further assistance.

Download Epubor Ultimate for free

has been a passionate member of Epubor since 2017. Her mission is to enhance your ebook reading experience by sharing insightful tips and tricks. Join her on a journey towards reading excellence today!

07/18/2020 05:04:14
with Kindle Cloud Reader there there is no download starting automatically, there is no download possible at all..
07/18/2020 08:58:32
The kindle cloud reader has removed the cloud and download tabs. But when you open the book, a downloading progress will show at the bottom-right corner. Please just keep this book open until it has downloaded successfully. Then run Epubor kcr Converter to remove DRM and convert kindle books to drm free files.
08/2/2020 16:52:48

While the automatic download with the new Kindle Cloud Reader worked yesterday as described, it does not today. Whatever I do and even with a long waiting time, the download does not start.
No message shown, just not starting the download. I'm using Macbook Catalina 10.15.6 with Chrome 84.0.4147.105 and Cloud Reader PlugIn.

08/3/2020 17:16:06

Dear Sir/Madam,
We're sorry to tell you that Amazon has upgraded Kindle Cloud Reader in August 2020 for security reasons, which has finally made it impossible to download books from Kindle Cloud Reader. As a result, Epubor KCR Converter can’t help you convert the Kindle books from now on.

As per your purchase for Epubor KCR Converter, here we provide you with several solutions. Please have a try and tell us how it works. If you meet any questions during the process, just feel free to contact us and we will try our best to help you.

For Mac users:

If you have a Kindle e-ink device,
you can follow this guide to decrypt and convert Kindle books with Epubor Ultimate:

If you don't have a Kindle e-ink device,
and your macOS is below than 10.15 Catalina,
you can follow this guide to decrypt and convert Kindle books with Epubor Ultimate:

and your macOS is 10.15 Catalina or higher,
we're sorry to tell you that there is no any other effective way to decrypt Kindle books, including using Epubor Ultimate, Epubor KCR Converter or any other tool in the market.
At last and once again, we're sincerely sorry and apologize for the inconvenience caused.

10/19/2020 12:43:23
ePubor ultimate worked for me since I got it.  It stopped working yesterday.  (With purchased books downloaded from Amazon page My Content and Devices. )  What is happening?  Thanks
10/27/2020 18:56:43
I installed kindle 1.24 on windows 10, but it gives an error "Registration failed. Please try again (401)"
10/29/2020 09:25:43
Thank you for asking. This is a kindle app bug. You can close this kindle for pc and try to register again. This issue should be fixed at then. Also your kindle app may be registered successfully already.
10/31/2020 00:19:45
Thank you so so much- I was finally able to convert a book that I've been needing desperately for my thesis!
11/2/2020 10:13:32
Thank you for your comments. We are glad to to be helpful. Have a nice day.
12/11/2020 19:46:04
so frsutrating. I spend 30min trying to figure out how to convert my ebook. and then you just output a text file syaing I have to pay for it... WTF ? is that what you call free trial ? its useless
12/14/2020 08:58:22
No matter which way you are using, this is the right steps. Yes, the trial version only converts 20% content of each book. To obtain the whole content, please use the licensed version.
If you prefer something free, please try Calibre.
02/10/2021 08:05:30
Is it possible to remove drm and back up kindle books without a kindle usb device if my Mac is running 11.02 Big Sur?
02/18/2021 11:23:54
Sure, if you don't have kindle eink device, you can patch your kindle for mac for removing kindle drm>https://www.epubor.com/patch-kindle-for-mac-on-mac-catalina.html
02/11/2021 16:14:58
Very disappointed. I bought lifetime license to get something easier than Calibre. I just saw that it does not work with Big Sur as Kindle 1.23 is not allowed on this version. I'd like to get my cash back.
02/18/2021 11:31:24

Thank you for using our software and sincerely sorry for this issue.
Please follow this guide to remove kindle drm on mac catalina or big sure:


Any more problem, please feel free to contact us via support@epubor.com.

09/21/2021 16:44:02

I've come across 2-3 books that need the latest version of Kindle to be read. If I keep Epubor running in the background then those books don't get downloaded. If I close Epubor, only then Books get downloaded, but then Epubor isn't able to remove DRM and asks me to delete the ebooks and re-download the book, while keeping epubor running in the background.

But running the Epubor in the background doesn't let me download the books... Are you getting me ?

09/22/2021 09:41:00

Thank you for contacting us. Yes, I got you. That's because your kindle books can only be downloaded via the latest kindle app. And this is decided by the Publisher and cannot be changed. We are sincerely sorry to inform you that this kind of ebooks can not be decrypted because they are encrypted with tougher kindle drm.

We are sincerely sorry for the inconvenience caused.

02/27/2022 14:57:45
It can't work if your ebook has no "via USB" option.
02/28/2022 10:05:50

To use download and transfer via usb method, you at least should have one kindle eink device registered with your account information.

If you cannot find via usb option, that's because you have no kindle eink device registered.

12/12/2022 20:50:29

Method 3. Download &Transfer Kindle Books via USB

2022-12 not work this method please check

12/22/2022 16:08:53
Thank you for your comments. Can you please describe your problem more clearly? Like what's the error message? Can you please screenshot and send it to us?
01/21/2023 22:27:01
I canr downgrade kindle 'cause othese, I'm unabel to download the book.
Please, fix it
01/28/2023 11:40:44

It seems the amazon kindle has changed something in the new published kindle books. It requires the latest kindle app to download it.

Now we are working on this issue. Once there is a solution, we will let you know. The older kindle books still can be cracked with Epubor Software.

There is still another way to remove drm from this kind of kindle books if you have any kindle eink device registered with your amazon account. Please download the kindle books via "Download and transfer via usb" and then remove kindle drm with Epubor Ultimate. Here is the detailed guide: https://www.epubor.com/how-to-remove-drm-from-kindle-kfx-ebooks.html#meth4

02/2/2023 21:41:39
This is my problem, I can't download book with older versions and with the new one epubultimate doesn't work.
02/13/2023 11:03:53

Thank you for your message and we are sincerely sorry for this issue.

We arware of this issue. It seems the amazon kindle has changed something in the new published kindle books. It requires the latest kindle app to download it. For the books published before 2023, it still can be downloaded with old kindle app and can be decrypted with Epubor Ultimate.

Now we are working on this issue. Once there is a solution, we will let you know. The older kindle books still can be cracked with Epubor Software.

For the ebooks published in 2023, here is still another way to remove drm from this kind of kindle books if you have any kindle eink device registered with your amazon account. Please download the kindle books via "Download and transfer via usb" and then remove kindle drm with Epubor Ultimate. Here is the detailed guide: https://www.epubor.com/how-to-remove-drm-from-kindle-kfx-ebooks.html#meth4

Any more problem, please feel free to contact us.

01/23/2023 20:22:27
Es ist zur Zeit nicht mehr möglich geliehene Bücher herunter zu laden, nur noch gekaufte. Des weiteren funktioniert die APP für PC nicht mehr. Es wird bei Amazon auch keine neue APP angeboten.
01/28/2023 14:08:47
The new published kindle books (since 2023) are required the new kindle app to download them.
01/24/2023 01:42:20

Tried method 3 - download and xfer via USB and it's not working.  I have an old Fire tablet which I am using and which is registered to my Amazon account

Here is what I did.
1 Went to content and devices and selected the download & transfer via USB
2. Plugged my fire into the computer I was using
3. Dragged and dropped the transferred file to EPU

Got the cant convert message

Then I tried:
1. Take the serial number of the FIre tablet and plugged it into EPUB
2. Dragged and dropped the transferred file onto EPUB

Got the cant convert message

Am I missing something or their other options

01/28/2023 14:09:59
Kindle fire is not the kindle eink device. You need kindle paparwhite or kindle oasis or any older kindle eink devices, even the old kindle keyboard is ok.
01/24/2023 05:22:29

I have the same problem. I can still open all the old books. Only the new ones I bought in 2023 no longer work.

That also does not work:
"There is still another way to remove drm from this kind of kindle books if you have any kindle eink device registered with your amazon account."

Can you please fix the problem, thanks

01/28/2023 14:12:10
Please ensure you are register the kindle eink devices with your amazon account, kindle fire is not supported.
01/24/2023 22:13:09
Also, as of a couple of days ago, content and devices no longer shows transfer via USB.  Your program and guides are not up to date with Amazon practices, as it won't convert these new books from 2023.  Calibre dedrm mentioned in your article won't convert or clean these new files either
01/28/2023 14:15:00
If your books is from kindle unlimited, you cannot download them via download and transfer via usb anymore. If they are your purchased books, you still can use this method to download them and remove drm with Epubor Ultimate.
01/31/2023 03:15:46
This doesn't work either. Do you have any other solutions?
01/31/2023 09:11:44
Which method are we talking about here? How did you download your kindle books?
02/11/2023 04:13:16
PC Kindle App Version 1.33.0 (62002) no longer allows for downloading of newly added content to the Kindle Unlimited platform. When I click the "Read for Free" button in Amazon, it gets added, but when I go into the PC Kindle App to download, an "Item not available for this device type" pop-up appears and says, "Your Kindle app requires an update to view this content. Click here to download and install the free update (supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 8)."  I am not sure where to go from here because I feel as though the your documentation doesn't help with this. Is there a workaround/fix for this?
03/7/2023 04:19:50
I recently purchased Epubor to remove DRM from Kindle KFX eBooks because the software I was using no longer works. I have tried every method recommended in the help tips. None of them are working. Will you all be updating the software to work on the new version of Kindle KFX eBooks?
03/7/2023 14:07:45
I have been using Epubor for years now. But, None of the 3 methods work to decrypt the Kindle Unlimited books in 2023. Please share a solution.
03/13/2023 16:09:58
For the ebooks published in 2023, here is still another way to remove drm from this kind of kindle books if you have any kindle eink device registered with your amazon account. Please download the kindle books via "Download and transfer via usb" and then remove kindle drm with Epubor Ultimate. Here is the detailed guide: https://www.epubor.com/how-to-remove-drm-from-kindle-kfx-ebooks.html#meth4
03/16/2023 01:50:10
"Download and transfer via usb option" is not available for Kindle Unliminted books...
04/16/2023 04:16:44
"Download and transfer via usb option" isn't working anymore either.  The AZW3 books also have DRM that epubor isn't cracking.
05/24/2023 08:47:00
"Download and Transfer by USB" works if you download the title and then drag that file into Epubor Ultimate. Don't try and access the file in "My Kindle Books." Worked for three titles  that I needed to add to my Calibre Library.
06/10/2023 23:02:39

This is so frustrating and unfair to those of us who purchased a lifetime license and who were satisfied customers up until the converter no longer works for books after 2023.

As a longtime customer for several of your products I’ll be considering purchasing one of your competitor’s software if at least a refund isn’t offered soon.

06/25/2023 05:31:22

I'm looking at the reply from: mikebrown that reads:  "Download and Transfer by USB" works if you download the title and then drag that file into Epubor Ultimate. Don't try and access the file in "My Kindle Books." Worked for three titles  that I needed to add to my Calibre Library.

That seems helpful but you would think someone from ePubor would publish a tutorial on how this is done. This tells you WHAT to do but doesn't show HOW to do it. You've got people (myself included) frustrated by not being able to get these newer ebook formats converted and it seems like you're recommending a method that no longer works.

Can someone from ePUBOR Ultimate show a step-by-step tutorial on how to do what mikebrown shares on this thread? You've got long-time customers who can't get this to work. Such negative feedback with likely deteriorate user confidence and reviews for a program that has always worked so well. I loved ePUBOR Ultimate until this happened.

06/26/2023 10:56:24

Hello, thanks for your feedback.

We'll update our tutorial and add the steps you mentioned. Thank you so much!

best regards,
Epubor Team

07/30/2023 00:28:15
Not Work, NEW DRM isnt removeable still.
08/3/2023 12:01:26

Hello, thanks for your comment.

If you still failed to remove DRM using the method we mentioned, please feel free to contact us via support@epuor.com, we're willing to help you solve this problem.

Best regards,
Epubor Team

08/27/2023 01:57:14
I have Epubor Ultimate and as you are aware have the problem with removing DRM from Kindle KDX downloads.  I have been very happy with your software but now that it no longer works as it once did I am looking for a work around.
I believe that I read that the KDX DRM could be bypassed by downloading to a registered Kindle Paperwhite and then transferred(?) Is this a viable option now? I do not care to buy a Kindle device however if it will allow me to bypass the KDX DRM I would be willing to do so. I especially do not want to buy one if it will not work.
Also If it does work, what is the oldest generation Kindle that has the capability?
Thank you
08/28/2023 11:06:40

Hello, thanks for your message.

If you don't have Kindle device, we recommend our new product Kindle Converter to decrypt and convert the Kindle books published in 2023. please learn more here:
User guide: https://www.epubor.com/kindle-converter-user-guide.html

Any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via support@epubor.com.

Best regards,
Epubor Team

10/2/2023 04:01:14

NOPE.  I have tried all 4 methods you suggested and none have worked.  Why don't you just say you can't do it, instead of making us waste more money on the Kindle converter software that still doesn't work?

I followed your instructions to the letter and the kindle books I downloaded to the android APK app wouldn't even show up on the left side.  I followed all instructions on what to do when the books won't load.  Still won't.

Just stop wasting our time, and tell us to just download via USB in AZW3 format, and get a reader for AZW3 format to read the books on.  Just tell us you can't deliver the product you charged us for.

10/7/2023 10:48:56

Hello, thanks for your comment.

Do you update your Epubor Ultimate to the latest version?

The lates V3.0.15.192 Epubor Ultimate allows you to decrypt and convert your new Kindle books downloaded by the latest V2.0 Kindle for PC. Please download the latest version of Epubor Ultimate and try again, thank you!

If there is still the same problem, please feel free to contact us via support@epubor.com.

Best regards,
Epubor Team

10/2/2023 04:19:44

I have even worse news.  So the AZW3 files you download via USB transfer, you can't even read with an AZW3 reader anymore.  This is a new update.  DRM won't let you read it, unless it's on a Kindle e-reader, cloud reader, or kindle app.  

Even with the latest update, Epubor cannot convert books using the latest version of Kindle.  

The only thing Epubor is good for now, is to use the old version of Kindle for PC and convert books published before 2023.  And if that book is a Kindle Unlimited book, you have to buy it.

Just tell us the truth, your software is useless now.  Stop having us jump through hoops and spend more money only to be back on square one.

10/7/2023 10:51:13

Hello, thanks for your comment

With the help of new V3.0.15.912 Epubor Ultimate, you don't need to downgrade your Kindle for PC to the old version, you can use the latest V2.0 Kindle for PC to download your Kinlde books, and use Epubor Ultimate to remove DRM.

Any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
Best regards,
Epubor Team

11/24/2023 18:42:23

I don't understand the good reviews here.
Epubor's conversion has failed on every single .kfx file, always with the same error message:
delete file, redownload, and start Epubor conversion.
I have firmware on my Kindle Paperwhite.

What is also fake, is that the rating is automatically 5 stars. We cannot change it.

01/27/2024 11:33:04
After update Epubor Ultimate to the latest versio,finally susessfully Remove DRM from Kindle KFX.
01/29/2024 09:03:26
Thank you for your feedback. We are glad to know that your problem has been fixed with the new version of Epubor Ultimate.
02/27/2024 04:19:34

I tested Method 1 on the comic books I bought from Amazon Japan, and alas, this worked like a charm! I even tried it to decrypt the books published in 2024 (which my DeDRM plugin for Calibre could not handle), and it worked perfectly.

Just to make sure, I can't say for other file formats and/or methods that some users are not happy about. I only tested it on AZW files I downloaded via the latest Amazon Kindle software for Windows.

03/18/2024 01:35:14
Just write KCR part at the top because all the kindle book is now KCR.
I spent 2 hours to find the solution.
03/18/2024 10:33:49
Thank you for your advice.
01/23/2025 00:58:29

Esta aplicación ya no es compatible. Para ver este contenido, ya está disponible un Kindle para Mac nuevo y mejorado que puedes descargar desde la Mac App Store.

Tus libros y colecciones:
una vez que descargues la nueva aplicación e inicies sesión en ella, podrás acceder de inmediato a todos los libros Kindle que hayas comprado en Amazon.
Si utilizas la última versión (1.40.1 o superior), tus colecciones se transferirán automáticamente.
Si no tienes la versión más reciente, sigue los pasos que se indican aquí.

Tus documentos personales:
los documentos personales deben importarse mediante Send to Kindle para leerlos en la nueva aplicación.

haz clic aquí o visita la Mac App Store para descargar e instalar la nueva versión. También puedes acceder a la experiencia Kindle para Web aquí.

01/24/2025 11:33:55
Thank you for your comments. On Mac, if you have a kindle device , you still can download kindle books via "Download and transfer via usb" and then remove drm with Epubor Ultimate.
The kindle for mac 1.40 cannot download kindle books any more.
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