Barnes & Noble is a renowned brick-and-mortar bookstore in the US. Despite the growing popularity of e-books, many individuals opt to purchase e-books from Barnes & Noble. However, due to the NOOK DRM protection, converting NOOK books for reading on devices like Kindle and Kobo can be challenging. The task has become more complex with the recent change in NOOK's encryption key. Fortunately, Epubor, a software company, consistently provides effective solutions. Follow the steps below to remove Nook DRM with Epubor Nook Converter.
Video Tutorial--Learn how to download and convert Barnes & Noble eBooks and Audiobooks
Step 1Download Android Studio Emulator
Android Studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android app development. You can download it below:
Step 2Set up the Android Studio Emulator
After installing the Android Studio emulator on your computer, refer to this GIF to configure its settings.
Then launch the Android virtual device by clicking the triangle icon.
Step 3Install NOOK for Android on Android Studio Emulator
Drag and drop the Nook Android APK onto the virtual device interface, and patiently wait for the installation process to finish.
Afterward, swipe the screen upwards to find the Nook app. Subsequently, click on the Nook app icon to launch the program.
Step 4Download your Nook Books
Open the Nook app on the Android Studio emulator, and use your Nook credentials to sign in to your Nook account. Following that, click the downward arrow to download ebooks and audiobooks from your Nook library.
Step 5Remove DRM from Nook Books
1Download and install Epubor Nook Converter
2Enter Nook Credentials in Epubor Nook Converter
Run Epubor Nook Converter, users are required to input their Nook credentials into Epubor Nook Converter. This step generates a key for decrypting Nook books. To do so, click on the user icon in the upper right corner and enter the nook account and password.
3Sync Downloaded Nook Books
After successfully downloading all Nook books in the Android Studio emulator, you can easily track the number of downloaded books. Navigate to the "ALL TITLES" category and click "Only show downloaded items" to filter the downloaded Nook books.
Once finished, run Epubor Nook Converter, and all your Nook books should be automatically imported into the Epubor library when the Android Studio emulator is running. Of course, you can also click "Refresh" to seamlessly sync your downloaded Nook books.
4Remove DRM
Firstly, choose the NOOK books you want to remove DRM from. Secondly, drag and drop the selected books into the main window of the Nook Converter. Thirdly, click "Start Conversion" to initiate the DRM removal process.
The conversion process is super fast, providing DRM-free files promptly: Nook ebooks will be saved in EPUB format, and Nook audiobook will be saved as individual MP3 files, each split by chapters. You can locate the converted DRM-free Nook books by clicking "Open" at the top of the Nook Converter.

Q1: Can I remove Nook DRM on Windows 7 or Mac?
A: The Nook app is not available on Windows 7 and Mac computers. As a result, you can no longer download Nook books via the Nook for Windows app on Windows or Mac unless you install an Android emulator on your computer. Subsequently, you can download Nook books via Android emulator and remove Nook DRM.
Q2: Why I failed to remove Nook DRM?
Please make sure you have input the correct Nook email and passwords. This is a must for successfully removing Nook DRM.
Q3: Can I remove drm from Nook eReader?
Sure. If you can find your Nook ebooks downloaded via Nook ereader and transfer them to your Windows PC. You can also follow the above steps to remove nook drm.

Ada Wang works for Epubor and writes articles for a collection of blogs such as ebookconverter.blogspot.com.
I set up a B&N myNook account using just an email and password. Then applied a gift code, to get a book into myNook libary. So there is no credit card information anywhere in the accounts.
How is the DRM encoded on that book then? It only has my email address.
We have also updated All DRM Removal and Ultimate Converter. So the latest version of All DRM Removal and Ultimate are also able to decrypt Nook books.
And we have contacted you via email about your problem.
Will the method using Nook Study work with ANY nook book without having credit card info?
I tried the Calibre method and just can't seem to get it to work.
Hi Dan,
In our tests, yes.
Just make sure you are using the latest version of our program, then simply follow this guide.
If have any problem, you can open a ticket at ticket.epubor.com, our customer service staff will help you get it done.
Hi Jenn,
All DRM Removal also works, but make sure you are using the latest version.
For how to upgrade, please refer to this page: www.epubor.com/software-upgrade-policy.html
I already have AllDRMremoval (newest update according to 'update' button)and it works fine with removing Kindle DRM then I use calibre to convert to Epub format. I downloaded Nook Study and installed it then downloaded a book from the library as instructed. When I try to use alldrmremoval I get the 301 error message though it has my correct name and credit card #.
BUT there is no blue button for " Or browse key file by hand" next to what is this or anywhere else on the error message. When B&N changed their encryption key and I had this problem last fall, I had already used Alldremremoval to decrypt about 500 of my 600 or so Nook Books (worrying that B&N might fold or try some dumb trick like this) so I have bought and decrypted only Kindle books since then and as I said I have no problem removing the drm from them...but I'd like to finish the last 100 or so Nook books, again in case they go bankrupt--which they probably soon will as many serious buyers of ebooks like me will no longer buy books I can't decrypt and keep for my personal use.
Any idea why I don't see the button for downloading the key? I'd prefer not to clutter Calibre with the plug in, last time I tried to download a plugin, I got all kinds of junk I didn't want.
Hi David,
As we might need some screenshots from you to solve the problem, one of our customer service staff has contacted you, his name is Jonny Greenwood, please check your email,
As I read the comments, it seems the most recent version of "Epubor Ultimate" already can remove the latest "B&N" DRM scheme. Now, when I want to make sure I do have the latest version of my "Epubor Ultimate" ( mine being "", bought last mid January ), it says that I do.
Looks to me like "B&N" made their move recently and, "Epubor" reacted rapidly with a new product!
Does it mean that "Epubor" did know by then about the new "B&N" DRM scheme and already included it, in the January "Ultimate" version? We're in March.
Though I didn't buy a single "B&N" book "yet", when it happens will I be able to deDRM the book?
Till then, I'm just wondering!
Now thanks, for your software is a wonder to use!
Hi Jean,
We confirm the B&N changes DRM scheme in March, then we spend a week to update our product to make it able to handle the new DRM.
And the version is the latest version, your current version doesn't contain the feature to handle new DRM.
However, you can skip this update as you don't have Nook book yet, in our plan, next release will be a major update, including some important improvements.
After all, thank you for the kind words, inspire us a lot.
Thank you for your help
I have AllDRMRemoval for Mac v1.0.12.19 (also tried trial of NookDRMRemoval).
Did the procedure. And my version of BNClientLog.txt is in my user path Library rather than system Library (possibly because I have multiple users?). But in any case, when I do the "method 2" browse to locate and confirm I don't get the alert acknowledging the key was generated. The method 1/method 2 entry window just goes away.
Then when I try to remove DRM I get the program hang with the "DRM is removing..." message. Book reads fine in Nook Study program but won't generate non-DRM version.
Same result testing either AllDRMRemoval or NookDRMRemoval.
I am using Macbook Pro OSX 10.10.2
Of course you can. You can click "All books" under "Nook" to add all your books to the main window of the software.
Does anyone know of a different program for downloading Nook books that will work with Epubor?
Sorry for the late reply.
There must be something wrong with Nook study.I have the same problem.
In fact, download Nook books via Nook for PC can also generate the key to remove Nook drm. You can try to find the file by yourself.
The default path:
Windows: C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Local/Temp/BNClientLog.txt
I have tried and tried and tried to do this on any/all of my 170+ Nook Books, using the Ultimate Converter and the All DRM Removal. I have not managed to remove the DRM from a single nook book. Disappointed doesn't even begin to cover it! I certainly will not be buying any of your software, if it can't do as advertised.
Problems and What I Did:
1. Installed Nook Study: installed Nook Study, and was unable to log into my B&N account. I kept getting an error message that the account could not be verified. Same username and password works on all other apps, devices, etc. for B&N login.
2. Installed Nook for PC from your website link: installed Nook for PC, was able to log into my B&N account and sync to my computer, with the exception of 4 - 6 ebooks which I received an error for.
3. Ran both epubor programs mentioned above: Ran the program. Added files. Entered billing name and card number. Got an error that Nook DRM Removal failed. Browsed key by hand. Method 1 fails, can't find BNClientLog.txt Do method 2, browse to BNClientLog.txt file and click confirm, get error that says a Nook key cannot be generated with this file.
4. Follow instructions that popup on website. Move/Delete log file and re-sync books. New log file appears. Repeat everything, and the same thing happens.
5. Open Calibre, download plugin from epubor site. Install plugin from file. When I attempt to customize the plugin, I get an error code. Can't customize, so unable to enter account information. My plugin says "DeDRM" instead of "Ignoble" as shown in above example. Don't know why that is.
Have tried all of the above on 2 different laptops and a desktop running Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 10. Exact same results on all 3 computers.
Sorry for the trouble.
There is something wrong with Nook Study. Many users can not register it successfully. Currently Nook for PC cannot generate the key file to remove Nook DRM. What’s the error code when you click customize plugin.
Trying to remove a nook drm - downloaded MAC DRM removal tool - have a window "DRM is removing, please make sure you can read the ebook on your computer at first"
Window is sitting there with no activity - does this process take a long time or is the application hanging?
Thanks for your help
Nook Study has been replaced by another service - Yazu....apparently NS has been deactivated, so it's not possible to sign in.
i've tried to follow directions for nook de-drm provided by Ultimate - to no avail...does not work. can't find the file BNClientLog.txt anywhere...BN must have changed protocol again.
suggestions? i've just purchased Ultimate...but it doesn't work...not good
The latest method is install Nook Study and login.
Then run Epubor software.
But you can't login, so, we can't help you!
As much as I wanted this to work, none of these suggested methods did a thing. I tried Epubor's Nook DRM Removal and All DRM Removal software using the outlined methods, with no luck. I tried using Nook for PC and Nook Study to generate keys. The .txt file from Nook for PC would not generate a key in the Epubor software, and Nook Study does not allow you to sign in, as many have noted. The Calibre method also does not work, as the plugin linked seems to be missing pieces (when trying to customize in Calibre, an error message says there is no config widget, or something similar). I even tried filing a ticket with Epubor support, but they just told me to download Nook Study, which again, does not work.
However, for everyone who has gone through all of these methods, and been unsuccessful; for the people like me who were ready to pay for Epubor's software but were just unable to make it work, I've found a MUCH simpler way. The developer who created the original DeDRM plugin for Calibre has now created a standalone application. All you have to do is download the zip file from the GitHub page below, extract it, and install the version for your operating system. Configure the app for Nook and enter your Nook email and password, then choose your DRMed books (Downloaded using Nook4PC) from within the app. It spits them out on your desktop DRM-free. I just tested it myself, and in less time than it took to read through this comment section in search of a solution to my Epubor issues, I've already removed DRM from all of my books. Save yourself the trouble.
Apprentice Alf (developer's) home page: apprenticealf(dot)wordpress(dot)com/2012/09/10/drm-removal-tools-for-ebooks/
GitHub: github(dot)com/apprenticeharper/DeDRM_tools/releases/tag/v6.3.4a
Hi Aaron,
Thanks for the idea. I am not super-computer savvy, but seem to have done what Apprentice Alf wants, and gotten to the set-up DeDRM preferences. I tried to configure the Barnes and Noble Key File, but didn't really know what I was looking for. Couldn't find anything called "bnepubkey.b64"
Ok, then found these instructions (the-digital-reader(dot)com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/DeDRM_Barnes-and-Noble-Key_Help.) but when I open the .txt file it has error messages and nothing like what they said I should expect. I know you are just a guy who figured out a workaround and this is not your product, I was just wondering if you had any more info.
Thanks so much!!!!
Hello all,
I have also had some problems with the Ultimate DRM, and with moderate help from ePubCor got it fixed. I thought I would *attempt* to explain what I did so that others could try it.
Firstly, I had downloaded Nook for PC and done Method One, both versions of getting to the key (as explained above). Neither worked. I had glanced at the actual contents of BNClientLog.txt and noticed the word "error" within the text. If that is happening to you, this may help.
What I ended up doing was:
1) Download Nook for PC. Use it to get all my nook books onto my computer (in the Barnes & Noble folder). (Link in above directions) As noted, although I could login and read the books, the BNClientLog.txt was errored and could not be used to make key.
2) Download Nook Study. Attempt to log-in. It failed. However, it must have generated the key despite NOT being able to log-in at all due to adobe error. ( customer-care(dot)s3(dot)amazonaws(dot)com/nook-study-install/NOOKstudy_Setup.exe)
3)Use ePubcor software, method 2, to go to the Nook Study key instead of the Nook for PC Key. (Path: C:/Users/(Your Username)/AppData/Roaming/Barnes & Noble/NOOKstudy/logs/BNClientLog.txt)
4) It worked! Proceed to unlock Nook files.
Hope the helps! Mira
Now we just have updated our software, it can handle Nook DRM. No need to install Nook Study, just install Nook for PC/Mac, sync your Nook books via it.
Then download the latest version of our software, drag your Nook books to the program, next it will let you input your Nook account and password, simply enter your correct account information, then the books will be decrypted soon.
I'm attempting to follow the instructions to complete the process of removing the drm for my nook books. I have the nook for mac app. When I load it, it will display my library in the back ground and then tries to sync to my online account. This wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that it keeps telling me I'm not entering the correct password when I am positive that I am. I even checked and logged into the B&N website just in case. I'm not sure how to progress further in reclaiming my nook library if I can't login to the app. I also have the apps for my Ipad and Iphone. Any way to download the epub files on those devices? I can login to those fine. Thanks,
About your problem I will recommend you directly contact our support team(support@epubor.com) to report your problem and tell us more.
We need to check details.
Question. I have several Nook books that I'm trying to just get into Calibre that I've purchased over the past 10 years of so, probably under different schemes. Can I use the latest DeDRM module for them all? Or do I need to load older versions to remove the DRM from older files?
What I've done so far is use V6.0.8 to create a key with my name and current credit card. This key seems to work for new books that I've bought recently, I think.
I used V6.4.something (latest version) to create keys with my name and B&N account password. This key I'm not sure if it's working or not. I was unable to deDRM anything with this version, but the key is still loaded.
I've gone back and used V6.0.8 to create keys for all my old credit cards that were used to purchase some of the books, but nothing I've purchased before this year seems to want to decode. I've also created separate keys using my email address and B&N user name. I have some books that were purchased many years ago, but nothing seems to DeDRM them.
Any ideas? Is there a set format for user name?
About your problem, I will recommend you firstly uninstall your Nook for PC/Mac/Study, then download the latest version of Nook app, and log in with your own Nook account.
Then, all books you bought(though 10 years ago) will be synced in the app. Click those books to download them to your computer again.
Using Epubor Ultimate or Nook DRM Removal product to help you remove Nook DRM. Successfully drm removing only demands your Nook account info.
Our software can handle Nook books. Please click the b&n DRM again and fill in the account information. This time the DRM will be removed.
If you are still failed, please contact the customer service about this issue. Please screeshot to show the details and send the screenshot to support@epubor.com.
Right, I ripped open (in software) the applicable things in both of the methods. Nothing seems shady, but with the Calibre one, my card provider put a hold on my account because someone tried to make multiple $40,000 purchases and I'm currently trying to figure out how I'm supposed to explain to law enforcement what happened.
That said, both are ineffective. The first one does nothing at all and the plugin method basically says that it cannot remove DRM because the files have DRM.
Please explain your problem clearly and they will give you a reply within 24 hours.
for Nook Study: http://download.epubor.com/sold/nookstudy_setup.exe
I download the Nook books via Nook windows app and then run Epubor Ultimate to remove the DRM. It works!!!
For books downloaded via Nook windows app, you can find it here: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Packages\BarnesNoble.Nook_ahnzqzva31enc\LocalState
Please change the username to your computer username.
Can’t read it in the app either. I was able to go to nook library on Galaxy Tab E and moved book to SD card. Then moved card to pc, Epubor Ultimate did not remove the Nook DRM. But I was able to remove it with Calibre strait from the SD card.
Now I can no longer log into BNDreader version “We are experiencing technical difficulties at this time - please try again later (Sign in: 1016)” and Nook Study will not log in at all. I did move the book from my tablet to PC but Epubor Ultimate did not remove the Nook DRM though it has work well in the past.
log in NookStudy successfully, and remember to use the Nook app instead of the Nook for PC app. Just follow this guide>>>
Download nooks books via Nook app, then sign in Nook Study, next run Epubor software, click Nook tab in the left side-bar to load all of your nook books to the software and add them to the right main window, then you will be able to remove NOOK DRM with no problem.
Now I can no longer log into BNDreader version “We are experiencing technical difficulties at this time - please try again later (Sign in: 1016)” and Nook Study will not log in at all. So I no longer have
The second and most important issue is that after I moved the book from my tablet to PC, I loaded it into Epubor Ultimate but it did not remove the Nook DRM though it has work well in the past.
I found that even though B&N had me change my password for their website, the NOOK account server didn't update and still requires the _old_ password; the new password works to login with the website, but the NOOK app still requires the old password. As the password was changed two months ago, it's clear that the NOOK account database and the B&N Bookstore account database are distinct and do not talk to each other in regard to password changes, even though B&N Customer Support denies this being the case. Thankfully I had the old password recorded elsewhere, as it was overwritten in my password management software when the B&N account password was updated.
And... in regard to NOOK for PC, it looks like B&N has changed their server interface such that it can no longer contact it properly; not too surprising, really, as they abandoned the non-Windows Store program so very many years ago. It was inevitable that eventually they would make a change that made it impossible for the old program to connect; I'm surprised they didn't do it deliberately before now.
I was able to go to nook library on Galaxy Tab E and moved book to SD card. Then moved card to pc, Epubor Ultimate did not remove the Nook DRM. But I was able to remove it with Calibre strait from the SD card.
Maybe that will help.
Any more problem, please feel free to contact support@epubor.com
I have tried the new 2020 method but I still couldn't remove the BN's DRM.
I followed the exact instructions. Currently version using is Please help.
Woohoo! I could continue buying ebooks from BN. Thanks!
Are you serious? Have you followed the steps in this article? If yes, but still failed, please contact our customer service via support@epubor.com to get further technical support.
If you skip any step, or don't download your nook books via Nook windows app, please follow the guide step by step and try again. It should be succeeded this time.
I had to actually log in with my Micorosoft account to get into the store and get the download / install link.
Once I installed, I downloaded the e-books per the instructions.
I've even tried some of the "fixes" presented by other users but I am in agreement with another poster from 5/2020. I wonder if B&N has adjusted their codes again.
I've responded in various comments above, but I want to describe the issue I'm experiencing, and the extreme amount of troubleshooting I've performed and the results. Hopefully it will help others, but I still can't unlock Nook based files.
1. totally uninstalled all apps in safe mode (confirmed via a powershell search, REVO program uninstaller and CCleaner)
2. Removed ALL registry keys associated with B&N and Epubor (confirmed via a powershell search, REVO program uninstaller and CCleaner)
3. Removed all files, folders, and references from the windows file system (confirmed via a powershell search, REVO program uninstaller and CCleaner)
4. Logged in with my Microsoft Account and downloaded the only version of the Nook App ( from the Microsoft Store.
5. Once successfully installed, left single mouse-clicked on the book and it successfully downloaded.
6. Re-installed Epubor lifetime app / license.
7. Successfully saw the file in the app,
8. dragged and dropped into the main window and attempted conversion.
9. Received the error "Failed to remove Nook DRM!"
10. Explored the source file and confirmed it was fully downloaded (13,093kb)
11. Confirmed that a license key was generated for the nook connection in Epubor under tools. (C:\Users\BHAdmin9373\.Epubor_Keys\nook.b64)
12. When I looked at the keyfile I saw the error "BS0000 Error executing the " (No other text.).
Anyone have any thoughts?
A few moments ago my Nook app version updated to 1.11.04. All is still working well.
I also looked it up on the Microsoft Store on 2 other computers, one of which doesn't even have it installed at the moment.
The app is there.
(I didn't install it "fresh" on that one PC, because I want to keep one without it, for tests like this.)
Epubor removed the DRM perfectly after the upgrade of the Nook app on my two other PC's. Of course I know I have all the keys in place, but I wonder (if some people can't see the app) why then it's visible to me.
My region (on my PC's) is "United States", BTW.
Did everything instructions say...says Failed to remove DRM...make sure to fully download epub/ebook...not sure that 12MB file that I have right there is the you know correct download...thought the book would be like 10 times larger (if you don't sense sarcasm...that was sarcasm). Anyway...resolution please? It was my understanding that I wasn't going to also have to pay $24.99 for the tool to work...but perhaps I misunderstood and I need to purchase a license for your product for it to work properlike
On 2020/06/12 Nook upgraded their Nook Windows app, along with which Nook once again has changed its DRM scheme for the Nook books downloaded via Nook app.
Currently, our software cannot remove such Nook DRM, but our technical team will do research and try their best to work out the solution in the coming days. Please wait for some days and don't worry, we will inform you once we have the solution.
The current version V3.0.12.707 works fine (as did -701 before).
Congrats! And thanks.
My two latest purchased Nook books couldn't get their DRM removed with Epubor Ultimate.
(The previous Nook books still get it done, I have the newest update and my Epubor-keys are in place.)
These are the first books I bought with my Windows PC version while having been updated to Windows 11.
I did the following:
- e-mailed epubor.alice@gmail.com
- opened a ticket
- tried to login to my account
- had a chat (which ended in a promise I would get an e-mail response).
But I got no reply whatsoever. As a result I even don't know the number of my ticket.
Please help!
Have a good day~
I too have not recieved my key, I sent in my information a few days ago. Please check on it.
Any more problems, please feel free to contact us.
Ok I resent the info. Please get me my key soon .
Sorry again for the inconvenience.
Have a nice day.
Any more problem, please feel free to contact us via support@epubor.com.
1. First, does the fact that an ebook is a comic vs. a normal novel make any difference on how one goes about removing the Nook (or B and N) DRM and saving the ePub file anywhere I want on my tablet or harddrive (or both)?
2. What is the best procedure to remove the DRM and save as ePub file if it is in fact possible (pc, win10)?
Thank you in advance for your help
Hello, thanks for your comments.
1. You can both decrypt and convert comic and normal novels you purchase from Barnes and Noble. But as for comics, I suggest that you keep the original format to have a better reading experience. If you can convert it to PDF, maybe the pictures can't be converted correctly.
2. The best Epubor software to remove Nook DRM is Epubor Ultimate.
Any other questions, please contact us via support@epubor.com.
Best regards,
Epubor Team
Following the instructions, but can't get the Android Emulator to run. When I select the device in Device Manager, it returns:
"Install Android Emulator hypervisor driver is not installed.
Install Android Emulator hypervisor driver for better emulation performance."
It goes through the download & installation, then returns:
"Android SDK is up to date.
Running Android Emulator hypervisor driver installer
[SC] ControlService FAILED 1062:
The service has not been started.
[SC] DeleteService SUCCESS
[SC] StartService FAILED with error 4294967201.
That's as far as I can get. Thanks for any help!