
How to Decrypt eBooks Purchased from Furet du Nord?

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Furet du Nord is a historical chain bookstore in France. And now you can also access a large number of E-books in French or English from their website. However, except for the Vivlio E-reader, you can not read these eBooks on other e-ink devices, like Kindle or Kobo. So you may want to know how to remove the protection of e-books from Furet du Nord. Here, we're happy to share some tips and solutions to help you experience an enjoyable reading on Furet du Nord.

The protections on eBooks from Furet du Nord?

If you want to know if the books you purchased from Furet du Nord are protected, simply go to the detailed book page, and you’ll find protection information from “ CARACTÉRISTIQUES” part. On this website, you can find three protections on eBooks: Non-Protection(pas de protection), Digital Watermarking protection, and Adobe DRM Protection (Contenu protégé).

multiple formats eBook

In addition, you can download some eBooks from Furet du Nord in multiple formats. After you have finished the purchase, you'll be able to download the eBook in the format you need.

download furet du nord eBooks

Non-protection eBooks (pas de protection) from Furet du Nord

If the titles you purchased and downloaded from le Furet du Nord are non-protection (pas de protection), it is unnecessary to remove any protection.

As many titles on this website can offer multiple formats for downloading, you can choose what's most appropriate for your need. Simply download the books you purchased to your computer, and then you can read them on any device only if it's compatible with the format of the eBooks. It’s also easy and convenient for you to back up them on as many devices as you like.

pas de protection

Digital Watermarking Protected eBooks from Furet du Nord

digital watermarking protection

Digital watermarking is often used for eBook content protection. It is only a deterrent to users, but will not prevent you from opening the eBook files. When you open the watermarked eBooks you purchased from Furet du Nord, you can find your account name or email information applied visibly on every page of the books.

digital watermarking email

If you want to remove the watermark from your books. I recommend you an online tool SodaPDF Online. Simply go to this website, and import the watermarked PDF file from your computer. Then click "Edit", and you can remove the watermark information.

remove watermarking online tool

However, watermarks can also be hidden, and embedded in the code of the e-book, so they are invisible for readers. You're not able to find any watermark in some eBooks with digital watermarking protection. It may be used to ensure copyright protection and track the source of a book, but will not influence your reading.

DRM-Protected eBooks (Contenu protégé) from Furet du Nord

contenu protege

Some eBooks are protected with Adobe DRM, you are not able to download them in the original formats available. No matter what format you choose to download, you will get a file in ACSM format instead of the EPUB or PDF as it is described on the product page. That means you can only read it in the software recommended by Furet du Nord, like the Vivlio webpage, the Vivlio application for Windows, iOS, or Android, or read them on the Vivlio Ereader. Otherwise, you need to use Adobe Digital Editions, it is another software that allows you to read DRM-protected e-books for free.

Open eBooks in ACSM format via Adobe Digital Editions

If you want to read the books with Adobe DRM, please install Adobe Digital Editions. It’s compatible with Windows and Mac.

Step 1 Download and install Adobe Digital Editions from their website.

Step 2 Launch the software, and then authorize your ADE with Adobe ID. If you don't have an Adobe ID, please create one when installing the software. Next, find the "Help" option at the top menu, and select “Authorize Computer”.

adobe id authorize compputer

create adobe id

Step 3 Drag and drop the .acsm file to Adobe Digital Editions. When content downloading is completed, the acsm file will be opened, and you can read the eBooks in this software.

drag book adobe

Remove DRM Protection from eBooks

Do you feel annoyed if you must use this software to open this eBook? If you want to read the eBook in PDF/EPUB on other e-ink devices, the first thing you should do is to remove Adobe DRM from the eBook.

To remove DRM, Epubor Ultimate is a vital tool that allows you to remove Adobe DRM and convert the books to multiple formats widely used.

1 Download and install Epubor Ultimate on your computer. It’s compatible with Windows and Mac.

Download Epubor Ultimate for free:

2 Run Epubor Ultimate, and click on the Adobe tab on the left menu, the ACSM files you opened with Adobe Digital Editions will be detected automatically and show up as EPUB/PDF eBooks.

ultimate main homepage

3 Drag and drop the eBooks to the right area, just wait several seconds, and the DRM will be removed automatically.

decrypt eBook furet ultimate

4 You can also convert the file to other formats you need. Epubor Ultimate supports conversion between PDF, EPUB, AZW3, MOBI, TXT. Finally click the blue folder icon at the right bottom, and you’ll find the DRM-Free eBooks in EPUB/PDF. And now you can also convert them to multiple formats and read them on any device that is compatible with these formats.


Final Thoughts

Many books we purchased and downloaded online may have DRM protections, whether they are from the world's famous eBook seller Amazon, or the Furet du Nord website we mentioned today. Thanks to Epubor Ultimate, finally you can remove DRM and restrictions from eBooks on the website of Furet du Nord. It has never been easier to make the most out of plentiful eBook sources and enjoy reading!


Hello, my name is Nancy! I’ve been always a book enthusiast, and I love reading very much. As an editor for Epubor, I’m glad to share all my favorite books, audiobooks, and tips to read E-books all I know.

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