“I want to reference some pages from the ebooks I read on my kindle, but I won’t be able to because there is no kindle page number listed on the screen. Instead, I only see the page location number, time to read and the progressing bar. ”
It is frustrated when you want to cite the book or share the real pages with your friend, you cannot even tell them what kindle page number you are on. So today, I will teach you how to show kindle page numbers and share common knowledge of Amazon Kindle page numbers.
Part 1. What’s the Difference of Kindle Location Number and Kindle Page Number?
What is Kindle location numbers?
Location numbers are specific to each line of text. Since there are many kindle devices with different screen sizes and you may also change the text size on different devices, you will be able to locate the exact place with the location number. It is the most accurate way for you to track your reading progress on different devices.
What is Kindle page numbers?
Kindle page numbers are the equivalent page numbers on the printed book if your kindle ebook include page numbers. Please note: not all kindle books have kindle page numbers. It is easy for you to find a particular passage you are reading in printed book with kindle page numbers.
Part 2. How to Show Kindle Page Number on Kindle/Kindle Fire/Kindle App
Video guide first
By default, your kindle will not show kindle page numbers but only location numbers. But how to make kindle show kindle page number instead of location? Keep reading. I will guide you to change kindle location to page step-by-step on Kindle eink devices, kindle fire and kindle app.
Question: How to know is your kindle book has paper-equivalent page number or not?
1. You can check whether your ebook has real page number at the ebook product page like this:
2. Or if you only have kindle at your hand, you also know it as below:
Kindle eink device: how to show kindle page number on Kindle paperwhite/oasis/voyage?
I will take kindle Oasis as an example to show you how to display kindle page number on Kindle.
Step 1 Open the Kindle book at your Kindle.
Step 2 Tap the top part of your kindle device, the menu bar will appear. Tap “PAGE DISPLAY”—>>“Font & Page settings”.
Step 3 In the pop up page, press “READING” and then select “Page in Book” option. All done. This time, When you go back to read this book, you will see page number instead of location number.
Kindle Fire: how to show kindle page number on Kindle Fire?
It will be slightly different on Kindle fire to show kindle page numbers instead of location.
Step 1 Open the Kindle book at your Kindle fire and tap the top of Kindle fire to display the tool bar.
Step 2 At the top right corner, tap the menu bar and the basic information of this book will show at the below picture. Tap “Go to”.
Step 3 You will see a pop up window. Just fill in any number and then press “PAGE”.
You will go to the corresponding page of this book. This book will show kindle book page numbers instead of location.
Kindle App for PC/MAC: how to show page numbers on kindle app for PC/Mac?
If you are using Kindle for pc or mac, things will be much easier.
Step 1 Just open any book in your kindle library. At the top tool bar, click on “Go to” and select “Page or Location” from the drop-down list.
Step 2 In the pop up window, choose “Page” and fill in number, then click on “Go”.
Step 3 This book will show page number from now one. You can also see the location number besides page number as the following picture.
Kindle App for iOS/Android: how to show page numbers on kindle for iOS/Android?
If you prefer to reading kindle books on mobile device, here is the guide for showing page numbers on Kindle for iOS/Android.
Step 1 Open the book in the Kindle app. Tap the bottom-left corner of the screen. If page numbers are available, they'll show up (e.g., "Page 2 of 288"). If page numbers aren't available, the location number will be displayed instead.
Pro tip: How to check if kindle page in book is available or not?
Open the book in the Kindle app. Tap near the top of the screen to bring up the menu.
Select the 'Aa' icon. Tap 'More,' then choose 'Reading Progress'.
Look for the 'Page in book' option:
If this option is available, a blue tick should be next to it.
If there's no tick, tap the option to enable page numbers.
Ensure that the 'Hide reading progress' option is unchecked.
If the Kindle book doesn't have page numbers, only the 'Location in book' option will appear in the reading progress settings.
Part 3. Frequently Asked Questions on showing kindle page number
Q1: Why doesn't my Kindle book have real page numbers?
A: It is not Amazon to decide whether your kindle book have real pages number, but publishers. Amazon has given the publishers an option to include page numbers from a particular paper edition with their Kindle e-book.
Q2: Which kindle firmware support this feature?
A: From Kindle firmware version 3.1, you will be able to see the kindle book page number if it is been given. That mean the Kindle first and second generation will not be in this list.
Pro Tip for eBook Lovers: remove drm from kindle books
If you read ebooks a lot, you should never miss out this powerful ebook tool--Epubor Ultimate. It is truly best DRM Removal and ultimate ebook converter which can help you strip DRM from Kindle books and convert kindle books to pdf, epub and more common format with 100% original quality. What's more, it can also convert ebooks to any format. Why not download it for to liberate your ebooks now?

Iris Yan has been a passionate member of Epubor since 2017. Her mission is to enhance your ebook reading experience by sharing insightful tips and tricks. Join her on a journey towards reading excellence today!
Im on the P.C. version and this option DOESNT WORK (Mega Sad Face)
Last Night I finished reading on page 53,
This morning, Kindle says I must remove the book and redownload it as there is an issue, Since then NO PAGE NUMBERS!!!! (how do I find my 53??? =(
I have tried the method above,
BUT at step 2,
There is NO option to select pages! Only Location!
If only Amazon customer service knew all this! Numerous times I have contacted them and they had no idea.
Book after book after book I had the same problem, only locations despite the Kindle page saying it had pages. I have hundreds of unread kindle books and this became so frustrating I was considering getting a different device.