Last week I purchased Epubor Ultimate. I thought it would DeDRM books from Nook/BN. I see that it fails to do so. My registration key for Epublor Ultimate does not work on the Nook Converter. Do I really need to purchase an additional license for Nook books only? Thanks for your prompt response.
How did you download your Nook books? If you can download nook books via Nook windows app, you still can use Epubor Ultimate. Otherwise you need to buy Nook converter to covnert nook books downloaded via android emulator.
This does not work on the trial version to run a test run. The trial installs and validates the B&N account but will not show any books so at this point I would not trust to work
We've checked this nook converter and ensure it works find with the android emulator and can remove drm from nook Books. If you download nook books to pc, you drag them to epubor ultimate for decrypting. Please add your nook account information to epubor sodtware for decrypting.