The Kobo eReader offers more than just eBook reading capabilities for various reasons, one of which is the ability to read articles. By linking your Pocket account with your Kobo device, you can effortlessly access your saved articles offline. This article will guide you through the process of reading articles on your Kobo using Pocket.
Step 1: Link Kobo to Pocket
Pocket is available on most Kobo eReaders and tablets, except for the Kobo Original, Kobo Wi-Fi, and Kobo Mini.
1 Create a Pocket account. If you already have one, you can skip this step.
You can go to getpocket.com or on your Kobo eReader to create the Pocket account.
2 On your Kobo eReader, tap "More" at the bottom right of the homescreen, then tap "My Articles".
In the new page, tap "Link with Pocket".
There will be the code displayed on your eReader's screen.
Enter the code shown on your eReader's screen.
- On your computer: Navigate to kobo.com/pocket.
- On your phone: Scan the QR code using your smartphone.
Then click “Continue" and enter the email or username associated with your Pocket account and click "Next." Then, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup process.
Step 2: Sync articles from Pocket to Kobo
You've saved many articles via Pocket. Now it's time to sync these articles to your kobo device. So please ensure you've linked your Kobo device with Pocket already.
1 On Kobo eReader, go to the 'Home page", and tap the Sync button to get your latest articles.
2 Download articles to kobo eReader.
Once the articles are displayed on kobo eReader screen under "Articles". If you notice a "Download" icon on an article, it indicates that the content hasn't been downloaded yet. Simply tap the article, and the content will download.
Step 3: Read articles on Kobo
To read an article in Pocket on your Kobo eReader, just go to Menu>Articles from Pocket.
And tap an article to open and read it.
On your Kobo eReader, you have the options to archive articles, delete them, or mark them as favorites. Please note that if you delete an article on your Kobo eReader, it will be permanently removed from your Pocket account.
FAQs on Pocket to Kobo
Some pocket articles are not showing up on my kobo eReader. Why?
A: The Kobo supports links displayed in Pocket’s Article View, but other links, such as PDFs, cannot be synced to the device. If you want to send pdf or epub to kobo eReader for reading, here are 4 ways to transfer epub and pdf to Kobo for your reference.
Pocket is no longer going to be available on Kobo e-readers?
A: It is reassuring to know that Kobo and Mozilla have agreed to continue Pocket integration on all Kobo eReaders. You can send web articles to your Kobo eReader.
How to download kobo books and remove drm?
A: There are different ways to download kobo books and remove kobo drm. If you purchase your kobo books, please just use Kobo DRM Removal to remove drm from kobo books. If you get Kobo books via Kobo plus, please try Epubor Kobo Converter to convert Kobo plus ebooks and audiobooks.

Iris Yan has been a passionate member of Epubor since 2017. Her mission is to enhance your ebook reading experience by sharing insightful tips and tricks. Join her on a journey towards reading excellence today!