Hello. I just downloaded a free trial for Mac and tested on a Kindle book. It opens with the message: "Please register the software, then get all contents and the valid ebook format."
Can I register without first paying?
If I like the software I would buy the Lifetime License but want to be sure first.
Thank you.
Hello, I have purchased a book from VitalSource Bookshelf. I located the local cache containing my book in a .vbk file. Epubr Ultimate cannot open this file. Can you add this new DRM?
Can't downgrade my KPW4 firmware software to older version. Can you tell me how to? Need I jailbreak my device?
I have previously bought your product via my previous email (kevincarol@blueyonder.co.uk)but my email is now kevcar1@outlook.com and I cant access your product, I have had the email kevcar1@outlook.com and until recently your product was working fine, so I could possibly have bought it via that email. can you help?
What about Readium LCP protection ?
Is it possible to download word docs to a kobo e-reader?
When I open Ultimate, it always say "Not responding". I just want to remove DRM from my Kindle files.
Does your audible converter software also covert Chirp audiobooks to mp3?
I want to register Ultimate in a computer for that I have to deregister from a older computer. Please guide how to deregister
Convertire file LCPL in AZW
I am using the trial version of KCR Converter and it works well for what I need. Does the Full Version have the ability to delete files after I have converted them. Thanks for your help.
Just DL'd and installed latest version of the Audible-converter. Installs without issue but when I go to run get a Windows pop-up that, "This App can't run on your PC. To find a version that will run on your PC check with the software publisher"
I'm running Windows 10, version 1809 along with the latest updates as of 2/22/19. I've tried running in compatibility mode for Win 8 & 7 with no luck. Looking for any help
i got unknown DRM error and could not remove DRM of eBook which i've bought at BookLive store. is there anything to solve this problem?
I am unable to convert ebooks from my Kindle using the 1.31 version Mac application on macOS Monterey: the message says that Epubor (I am using the Ultimate version) is unable to suppress the Kindle kfx DRM.
Is there a work around for me to use please?
Kindle fire joined to PC with windows 10 with micro USB cable. PC does not recognise Kindle
Epubor Audible Converter will help me convert my audible aax files to MP3 and edit chapters?
I also recently purchased Vitalsource downloader and it no longer works, can I get a refund, or a license for another similar program?
I converted 3 epub books for my kindle touch and put them on my device. They do not show up anywhere on my device, but when I connect the kindle to my computer, I can see that the files are there.
Long time user of Epubor ultimate. Since Kindle 1.24 stopped working after upgrade to Catalina, moved to KCR converter. But have noticed that Kindle books converted to epub using KCR are slow. And also have low quality covers. Is there any way to just de-drm using KCR and then convert them to epub using ultimate?