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Path to Kindle downloads on Mac? --

It's been over a year since I last used ePubor Ultimate, but now I'm having trouble locating where my Kindle downloads, including KU, are located on my Mac.

I've looked here:

/Users/<username>Library/Application Support/Kindle/My Kindle Content

This was recommended on the Apple Community forum but there was no such destination
/Users/<username>/Library/Containers/com.amazon.Kindle/Data/Library/Application Support/Kindle/My Kindle Content/

Searching with DDG doesn't reveal anything new.  
Searching using Find Any File doesn't come up with current content.

Any information that leads to my current Amazon downloads would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

2019 27" iMac running macOS Ventura 13.2
Amazon Kindle version 6.85.2

How to remove Apple DRM --
Nothing happens when à book bought at Apple is dragged in the app.
Changing from pc to mac --
I’m using pc at present but want to change to Apple Mac in the future.
Once I stop using pc am I able to download and install epubor ultimate on the Mac and use the same registration code.
Thanks Bob
Changed to Kindle-Chrome Reader? --

I just purchased a book at Amazon with my Kindle on-line reader (using my Chrome browser).

Unlike other books I’ve purchased in the past, I could not pin & download this book; I find that I cannot pin & download other Amazon/Kindle books that are in my library.

When I click on this new book, the Kindle reader (in the Chrome browser) “opens” the book and displays the first page.  When it does that, I see a notation in the lower right corner of the browser that shows me the status while the browser “download[s]” a file.  I do not know to which location on my hard drive the download is stored.

When I open Epubor KCR Converter, it does not show any books.

I am running Epubor KCR Converter v1.0.1.192 on an Apple MacBook Pro running macOS Catalina 10.15.5 (19F101).  My Chrome version is 83.0.4103.116 (Official Build) (64-bit).

Do you know what has happened here?  It looks like Amazon changed its Kindle-Chrome operation, but I don’t know…

Will ePubor Ultimate work on M2 macs? --
ePubor currently requires the installation of Rosetta 2 on apple silicon macs (M1/M2 series cpus). Is there an update in the works so that ePubor will run natively on macs without Rosetta?
Fair play de Apple --
Puede quitar el DRM de un libro descargado de Apple Store
new Kindle product doesn’t work --

I dragged an AZW file to the “Drag Drop Books Here” area and got a green plus sign, but then nothing happened. “The kindle library” section is empty even though I have the latest Kindle app installed on my computer and several books downloaded there. I’ve hit the refresh button there several times to no avail.

I am on a MacBook Pro 2021
Apple M1 Pro
16 GB Memory
Ventura 13.3.1 (a)
Kindle App version 1.40.1

I’m extremely annoyed that I just paid $20 for software that doesn’t work. Please fix.

finding my kindle books on Apple Mac --

I can't seem to find my kindle books on my Mac.  I can read them on my computer through the kindle app.  I did downgrade my kindle app. as you suggested.

But when I ask your program to find them - nothing

Can I transfer the apple books on remarkable 2 for reading? Or is there any tool to convert apple books to remarkable supported format? Please advise.
Is it compatible with Apple Silicon? --
Is it compatible with Apple Silicon M1?
Duration .aax to .mp3? --


I have just purchased the Audible Converter for Apple. I converted an audiobook around 500 MB, which took me over 3 hours. I converted it to MP3. Now I am converting another audiobook. I am converting to MP4. It does not feel faster.

Is this the expected time to convert an audiobook or is it only me experiencing such a long time to convert one?

Thanks, Zack

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