I've tried your application on mac (mac OS Big Sur then Monterrey) and it works juste one time than it's crashing few seconds after launching the app. thank you
Trevor Knight
yesterday i installed and registered the audible-convert app with Lifetime License for mac.
from the first moment i put the (from amazon) downloaded audible mp4-file in the convert-window the rotating snoozeball appears and never stops.
Only the hard way to stop an app can end the crashed app.
please help
I had a HD crash and had to replace the drive Now I don't have any key files and there does not seem to be a way to regenerate the keys. Epubor Nook DRM Removal v2.0.14.707
Epubor Ultimate V3.0.15.216 crashes shortly after opening on MacOS Ventura 13.2.1. It does this every time. I tried removing and re-installing; that did not fix the problem.
How do I get this working?
The latest was on August 5th 2020 Order ID 129778308 for Epubor Ultimate.
Previously I bought Epubor Ultimate Order !D 68529096 on December 2 2018 and Order ID 45586525 on December 29 2015.
None of the versions work since my computer crashed and I upgraded to Windows 10.
I followed your guide on epubor, I downloaded the kindle for pc 1.24 version(to my win8 laptop), but each time I launched it, it crashes. Why? How to resolve this?
I have Mac Sonoma 14.2.1 on a 2019 iMac with 1gi hd and 24gb memory. When I open the installed appp, it will launch and after 2-4 seconds it will crash.
Any suggestions?
I installed your latest software, it asked that I downgrade the installed kindle software to 1.32. I did that and could not download any kindle books. The kindle software crashed then when I restarted it automatically updated to version 1.39.xx When I try and use the software I get an error stating that the kindle KFX files could not be converted and that I had to reinstall a lower version of kindle.
Are you going to fix this issue? I cannot install Kindle 1.32 as it auto upgrades, even with the checkbox unticked for checking for new version.
I've been trying to launch Epubor Ultimate after installation at my Mac Mini (Intel Core i5) with Ventura 13.5.2.
Once I click the app, app seems to run for few seconds. Then, it crashes and the error message comes out.
Please solve the problem.
I purchased epubor ultimate in March 2023. When I open it now is crashes after a few seconds.
I can send my crash log outside this forum if needed.
Event viewer shows... HELP!
QT is not on my path anywhere else...
reinstalling does NOT help
blm3@svcglobal.net; b.medley@ussa.com
- <EventData>
<Data Name="AppName">EpuborUltimate.exe</Data>
<Data Name="AppVersion"></Data>
<Data Name="AppTimeStamp">66bc09b0</Data>
<Data Name="ModuleName">Qt5Core.dll</Data>
<Data Name="ModuleVersion"></Data>
<Data Name="ModuleTimeStamp">5fa1244d</Data>
<Data Name="ExceptionCode">c0000409</Data>
<Data Name="FaultingOffset">0000000000028578</Data>
<Data Name="ProcessId">0x15d8</Data>
<Data Name="ProcessCreationTime">0x1daf0c12e43cddf</Data>
<Data Name="AppPath">C:\Program Files\Epubor\ultimate\EpuborUltimate.exe</Data>
<Data Name="ModulePath">C:\Program Files\Epubor\ultimate\Qt5Core.dll</Data>
<Data Name="IntegratorReportId">7d487f72-a6da-45ed-8cfd-70fff0a05539</Data>
<Data Name="PackageFullName" />
<Data Name="PackageRelativeAppId" />