I have a KPW2, unfortunately, the screen is broken, how can I find my KSN now?
Recently, I have updated my Kindle for PC to version 1.25, I can not remove my Kindle DRM any more. Is this some new Kindle kfx drm? How to handle this new Kindle kfx drm?
I borrowed 2 books and when I attempt to open them in the Kindle app for PC I get this message: Your kindle app requires an update to view this content. Click here to download and install the free update.
I borrowed other books and they open just fine and I can use Epubor Ultimate to convert them.
Has Amazon changed file types or what? Any ideas?
How do I read a hoopla ebook on my Kindle?
Is there any ways to read webpage on Kindle? I know kindle has a built-in web brower, but I don't want to use it for its bad reading experience. So any other methods?
Hi Everyone, I've got a Kindle question I'm hoping someone can help with. I use the Kindle for PC app (Australia) to download books I buy so I can back them up. I have cleared the 'automatic update' box, but this morning it still updated without my permission. It will now not let me downgrade, and no matter which version of the app I download, when it is installed it is the current version 1.30. I'm using Windows 10.
I'm stuck, any suggestions?
I was just forced to download a new version of Kindle to read the new book I bought. The file extension is mbpV2. The Epub program that I purchased no longer works on this new kind of Kindle file.
I'm familiar with the Japanese e-book stores like Kindle, honto.jp, and Kobo, but all of their books seem to have DRM, and none of them allow you to read books on your computer. Are there any bookstores that sell DRM-free e-books in Japanese?
I have been using 1.24 for some time without problems and recently had to de-register and re-login. After trying to re-login the app login screen continually refreshes so that login is impossible
Do you know how to make those personal documents appear/sync on the Kindle for Mac app?
I'm using Kindle 1.17; I can't download a recently purchased kindle. When I attempt to download, the following message is displayed:
Item not available for this device type
“Your Kindle app requires an update to view this content, Click here to download and install the free update (supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 8)
Can I Send EPUB to Kindle by "Send to Kindle" Service?
I have Windows 10. I bought Epubor Ultimate. It told me I had to install an earlier version of the Kindle App. With Epubor's assitance, it downloaded and installed Kindle version 1.24.51068. The app works fine UNTIL I go to register it with Amazon. It just loops the login screen over and over nonstop. The reload is so fast I can't even type a single letter.
Suggestions? This software is useless to me unless I can get to my Kindle books I've purchased.
How to remove drm from kindle cloud reader? I can download and pin book from Kindle cloud reader and also find these files. Is there any way to remove the DRM from these files?
KCR Converter worked fine initially and then the cloud / local menu at the top went away now you cannot download/pin an ebook
My Kindle Fire HD has Screen Rotation enabled by default, sometimes I need it, and sometimes not, how can I change my Kindle Fire's auto-rotation setting?
as subjected question, thanks for reply. I'm paid user of Epubor ultimate: mario.yin@gmail.com
Good E-Reader said that (in their blog) they launches a 13.3 inch device, really? Will it supports Kindle formats? How to buy books? I really want to buy a bigger e-Reader for Manga reading.
The drm removal and file conversion was successful through the kindle 1.17 software on windows 10, however half the book's content is missing, only 143 out of 300 something pages. I tried deleting and going through the process twice, into epub and pdf, nothing works.
I got a book gifted to my kindle email address. It is a doc in *.ticr
Can that be converted? I have Epubor Ultimate v.
thank you for your time