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does if convert VitalSource bookshelf to pdf file ?
I purchased Epubor Vitalsource downloader. I was trying to convert a textbook into a pdf file, but it failed. There was a output file, in which there is a phrase "Please refresh your browser" with a picture of a robot on all pages. I tried many times, but all failed. Please let me know how to solve this problem.
hola, es posible pasar del formato .ipef a pdf. Si no es asó agradecería se incluyese, muchas gracias
I purchased the Epubor Ultimate licence (alan.aves@ampna.com.au) to remove Adept DRM from a PDF, but Epubor unable to remove the DRM. Has Adobe changed something and your product is not up to date? If so, is an update likely soon?
Hi, can you tell me if Epubor can bulk rename the original epub, mobi and/or PDF files that I own?
I was just forced to download a new version of Kindle to read the new book I bought. The file extension is mbpV2. The Epub program that I purchased no longer works on this new kind of Kindle file.
I can read the PDF in ADE, but I cannot decrypt it with the software:
decrypt failed:DeDRM4PDF - Ultimately failed to decrypt. please make sure you can read this ebook on Adobe Digital Editions at first. DeDRM: Build C562
start to decrypt Oeffentliches recht - kurz gefasst.pdf
DeDRM4PDF: Key found.
Ready to start decrypting.
DeDRM4PDF: Encryption key invalid... trying others.
DeDRM4PDF - Ultimately failed to decrypt
What can I do to decrypt my PDF files?
With the increase of places using LCP DRM, as well as the protocol for it being accessible. Will the removal of this DRM be added to Epubor? Less and less places are using Digital Editions reliably like archive.org
The drm removal and file conversion was successful through the kindle 1.17 software on windows 10, however half the book's content is missing, only 143 out of 300 something pages. I tried deleting and going through the process twice, into epub and pdf, nothing works.
My ebook is in the cloud on Kitaboo. Is there a way to download that file to my hard rive so I can access it as a pdf offline?
After successful instalation PDF plugin software requires instalation plugin again.
I just evaluating epubor ultimate.
I tried to convert an EZW file to PDF, and i discovered that images missing. Is that general behavior or just happened on trial version?
Pictures are lost from the Kindle file after conversion to PDF
I followed directions and it is saying that kindle drm removal failed, that you do not support rented kindle books. I bought this book! Please help me figure out how to use this software to convert my kindle book to pdf.
i would like to increase font size in converted pdf or in the alternative can output size be adjusted in epubor ultimate?
I tried using your instructions to convert a vital source book to PDF, but the 'doprint' download program link from your sight redirected me to a porn site...not exactly what I was expecting!
Please advise.
I have Epub Ultimate account
how to do fixed layout from pdf
Hi, are you able to extract an unencrypted PDF or ebook from glassboxx?
Hello, it seems that everytime i want to convert a kindle book to pdf, if Kindle DMR is detected, the software freeze and i have to use Windows Task manager to force to kill it. I have other kindle books where DRM is not detected and conversion is flawless. What is the problem?
I want to be able to edit a pdf file or epub on my kindle and be able to retrieve the edited file on my laptop. So if I highlight sections of a epub or pdf file I can grab those highlighted areas from my laptop to make a "cliffs noted" file from all my highlights. So basically I want to see what I highlighted from a computer as I read from the kindle.