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VitalSource eTextbook to pdf --
i have already bought your software
Activation key: P9EWYFF-VG98NN-GJR62B-ZEFXQP-SP77UJW
does if convert VitalSource bookshelf to pdf file ?
Please refresh your browser? --


I purchased Epubor Vitalsource downloader. I was trying to convert a textbook into a pdf file, but it failed. There was a output file, in which there is a phrase "Please refresh your browser" with a picture of a robot on all pages. I tried many times, but all failed. Please let me know how to solve this problem.


Please refresh your browser? --


I purchased Epubor Vitalsource downloader. I was trying to convert a textbook into a pdf file, but it failed. There was a output file, in which there is a phrase "Please refresh your browser" with a picture of a robot on all pages. I tried many times, but all failed. Please let me know how to solve this problem.


drm from brytewave redshelf --
Can this software remove drm from brytewave redshelf etextbooks?
"This title is not supported on Kindle E-readers. On PC & Mac, the latest version of the Kindle app is required." When I tried to download the Kindle etextbook via my kindle for pc 1.24. So any suggestion?
extended free trials --

I would really buy your product, but with the free trial, i have noticed that some words in the text are not well transformed. Sometimes there are some weird characters.
For this reason I would like to ask you a temporarly trial for the full conversion.
thank you very much


I have installed the free trail and converted an Adobe DE ePub. It turns out just flat text without pictures / book cover etcetra. Is this correct? Is this due to the free trial, or is this "just what it is"?


I just purchased an annual license.

The full version is NOT treating text the same as the full version.

In trial version, Converting KFX book to Text maintained the paragraph breaks. The Full aversion does not -- so the book is one huge single line.

How do I get paragraph break in convert to text?

FYI, as a work around, I tried converting to PDF as a work around. However, PDF adds LINE breaks (specific to the printed page) as well as Paragraph marks. But it uses the SAME control code for each, so I can't just search and replace line marks and leave paragraph marks.

I would appreciate your help and guidance to solve this .



Ultimate Epub Conversion Issue --
When converting Kindle books to Epub format, quote marks (") within the book text will be converted to &quot. This occurs in some books but not others. When it occurs in a book it is consistent throughout the book. Thus far I have converted problem books to PDF format and the issue disappears in PDF. Any likelihood this issue will be address in a future update
graphics garbled --
When converting from PDF to epup some images and graphics do not come out properly. Also Text randomly gets garbled and overlayed over other text.
The "Register Kindle" page just keeps resetting/flickering, does not allow me to enter email and password text.  I'm on a new install of Windows 10.
Corrupted conversion --

I brought a licence so I can fully convert an Kindle book into a PDF, however when I do this the output is corrupted. All I now get is the front cover and all the text is randomly scattered throughout the pages.

When I only had a trail version it did convert it properly but only the first 60 pages.

Why is it now not working?

Seems like the program won't strip the DRM or whatever after all, total waste of money, none of the converters (zamzar, calibre ect. can convert the amz to pdf bcuz' they claim the DRM is still on).
I can't find a way to convert the entire book into a text file, even though without the license you can do that for 20% of the book.
Is there an option for that somewhere that I'm missing, or can you at least add it? I really want to do that for 100% of the book.
Is it possible to find a written help text about how to convert a PDF file to Kindle ebook file?

Hi!  I love this app!  I just converted my first book, and the output file is 62 pages.  It could be much longer if the text was larger/more readable.

How do I change the output font options?

Thank you!


PDf conversion problem --
After conversion from azw3 format to pdf, the text is cut off on the right of every page. Changing viewing pdf options does not fix it.  
Apparently Epubor does this but internalizes this information and removes the DRM and turns it into a text file, which removes all formatting and pictures.  I want to convert Kindle to Epub, not to text.

Hi!  I love this app!  I just converted my first book, and the output file is 62 pages.  It could be much longer if the text was larger/more readable.

How do I change the output font options?

Thank you!


How can I  do the set to each chapter as well as original for long text?
Trial version preview --
I'm checking out the trial version and removed the DRM from a couple of books. When I look at the previews, they show up in my web browser as really ugly html with no formatting or chapter breaks. Is this really what the final version will look like? It's nice that the text is there, but if the books are so ugly I can't stand to read them, it doesn't do me any good.
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