I have an audio book file that should be several hours long; the converted mp3 version consists only of the first short chapter, 10 minutes long
I tried to convert an EZW file to PDF, and i discovered that images missing. Is that general behavior or just happened on trial version?
I'm on a Windows 10 Desktop computer.
As you probably know, Nook for PC no longer works. So I've deleted the program, however the downloads directory (containing books) is still on the computer. Folder: D:\Documents\My Barnes & Noble
Most if not all of these book are key encrypted with the old B&N method of user name + credit card #.
Hi, I'm using the trial version of your software. I've tried to convert a Kindle book I bought, but it's acted differently from the other one I just covered to ePub. When I put it into the list of files in the Ultimate window, it doesn't tick or say "decrypted". However, if I then convert it to ePub, it works. The files appear to both still contain the Kindle serial number. Will this cause me a problem with Kindle if I then view it on my reader on my Samsung phone?
These are the filenames: bookname_B00WJT3D8Q.azw3 (after import), and bookname_B00WJT3D8Q.epub (after conversion
I want to avail the free 30 day trail for Epubor before I buy the full version. However, upon installing the software, it is asking for a licence key for me to be able to try it. Where can I find that for a trial version?
the epubor Windows give the Information of new Version
when i Click at this item I reach the the adress
https://www.epubor.com/audible-converter.htmlTher I can get a Trial Version or I can Buy the product …
I have already Buied it. How can I update my local Version?
best regards
Maybe I’m being paranoid. Help??
Hi all. Just installed the trial version as I have quite a large library.
Is it possible to get Epubor to do a bulk import of files in a folder, rather than adding them one by one?
I first installed a trial version, later on I purchased the 1-year license. How to activate this? When I open the program, it still runs in trial.
Good afternoon--
Yesterday, I downloaded the Epubor KCR Converter trial version. I installed it today, and I'm getting a "Register your program" window. How do I close this window to try the program?
Debbie Mahen
I followed each step of the guide, was able to remove the DRM and to open the decrypted ebook.
The txt file says that I can read 20 percent which is okay for a trial version. But unfortunately this is not true, because I can't even read 1 percent of the book, the txt file is pretty much empty and has a 1Ko size...
I tried with an other book, same result.
So in fact I can't try the product at all, and I really want to be able to try it because it seems like an amazing product !
Can you help me in this matter ?
I just purchased an annual license.
The full version is NOT treating text the same as the full version.
In trial version, Converting KFX book to Text maintained the paragraph breaks. The Full aversion does not -- so the book is one huge single line.
How do I get paragraph break in convert to text?
FYI, as a work around, I tried converting to PDF as a work around. However, PDF adds LINE breaks (specific to the printed page) as well as Paragraph marks. But it uses the SAME control code for each, so I can't just search and replace line marks and leave paragraph marks.
I would appreciate your help and guidance to solve this .