I have installed the software on Mac, and there are something wrong with it. I want to uninstall and reinstall it to solve the problem. But how can I uninstall the software? I'm not very good at Mac. Please help.
How do I uninstall this program completely on my mac?
I tried epubor as I wish to read iBooks on mz Kindel. It did not work i.a. because Requiem did not work.
How can I uninstall epubor?
Will you charge me if I have uninstalled the free trail?
I have installed LDPLayer 9, the Kindle 4.16 apk and have successfully downloaded Kindle books. I found them in the LDPlayer storage at: emulated,0,Android,data,com.amazon.kindle,Files
Kindle Converter isn't displaying the books in the left hand pain. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling all 3 items LDPlayer, Kindle 4.16 and Kindle Converter but it still isn't picking up the books. Any suggestions - Kindle Converter doesn't indicate where it is looking for books.
I want to uninstall this software since it does not support vbk file types for conversion to pdf
I just purchased the audible converter a few days ago and was able to convert two books, I tried again last night and all I get is failed, I did the exact same thing loaded the book into the program, checked the split by chapters then hit the convert to mp3 button.
Am I doing something wrong or do I just need to uninstall and reinstall. Thanks in advance
Despite my uninstalling and reinstalling this software more than once, books I have already downloaded, converted, and then deleted from my hard drive still appear in the software window for conversion. In addition, I cannot add any new books. No newly downloaded book appear in the software window.
Just got a new PC, I cant licence because I need to deregister on my old PC, I cant see how to dergister I have uninstalled but that doesn't help.
Help please..
I have upgraded my system and did a clean install of Windows 11. Prior to reinstalling Windows I uninstalled all of my apps but Epubor Ultimate does not allow me to use my existing license. How do I deregister this app for a fresh install?
I have Epubor Ultimate set to use AZW3 output but it is persistently converting new files to EPUB. I have tried many settings and also tried uninstalling and re-installing; I can not get Epubor to always output AZW3.
Manual conversion from EPUB to AZW3 works without a problem.