
Find QA: use trial

eBook conversion failed --
I used the free trial today to convert my epub books to mobi, all was working well. It worked for about another 80 books but now just keeps coming up with a 'failed' message beside the book whenever I try to convert the format.
epubor vitalsource --
hi, i try to use your trial version of epubor vitalsource downloader. When i would like connect with my vitalsource account, sign in failed each time. I m sure to use the good email and pwd. Do you help me ? vincent.mk14@gmail.com
You offer a 30-day free trial of Epubor Ultimate. What limits are there on the use of the trial version? (I want to test conversion of up to 5 AZW3 files that are locked by DRM before comitting to purchase).
Am I free?? --
I want to make sure I’m not paying for epubor ultimate. Back in December I signed up for the free trial version (30 days). I do not remember giving my credit card information (though my memory may be playing tricks on me). I expected the program to stop working after 30 days, but it didn’t. Since this happened 8 months ago, I don’t remember the steps I took to install the program. How can I know if Epubor is charging me for using this program? Everything works just fine, which is highly suspicious.  Every time I open it, a window asking for my registration code pops up, but I just close it and use the program. Does this window pops up for those of you who have payed for Epubor? Also, the program (in the configurations part) says that I’m licensed to a free trial. I guess it should have my email there if I had paid for this.
Maybe I’m being paranoid. Help??
New Kindle --
I have used Epubor from almost the start and have had no problems at all in converting and transferring books to my Kobo. Now I have bought my first Kindle, an Oasis  version 10.
I converted my ebooks that I have on Epubor Ultimate to mobi. When I tried a trial run moving 1 mobi book to the Kindle, I cannot find it on the Kindle. When I tried to move it again to the kindle, the pop up menu said it was already on the kindle. I still cannot find it.
Any ideas?
I have download the free trial version to see if I could use this software, but the book ended not completed with very bad formatting. Is there any thing that can be done with the free trial version?
Unable to remove DRM of kindle ebooks --
Hi. I tried to make contact with your team for multiple times through the live chat function regarding the new Kindle update issues but have not received any reply yet. It seems that the epubor KCR converter can no longer be used because amazon deployed a new decryption protocol. Considering that I purchased the epubor KCR converter before (as my macbook is on macOS Catalina), if there is no alternative that I can decrypt ebooks using the KCR converter, would it be possible that I can get a discount or a free trial version of the Epubor Ultimate (I''m not sure if it works for me at the moment)? I urgently want to convert a few books so I would like to receive your feedback as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance.
Hi, I am trying to use the free trial version and see if I like your software, however, I cannot read the book I desperbately want to read on my new Remarkable, as it say's '_trial' behind it every time I try to convert it. Why is this? I managed to convert a few other books just fine. Is there a limit to how many books you can convert in the trial version?
Missing Cover Page & Content Indexes --
I used the trial version, I understand only parts of the book are converted (Kobo epub format). However, I found that the cover page and content indexes (with links) are missing also. How can I make sure the formal version can convert the book completely?

I ran into a locked up screen situation on your app and had to stop it. I'm on a Mac mini. Now I cannot get back in without a registration code.

I'd like to know this works before paying $29.99 or whatever it is.

Also, I reverted back to Kindle 1.31 from 1.35 using your utility but at some point, maybe after reregistering, it became 1.33. What gives? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

I havent used my epubor converter in a while and when I tried today I was told that I could only do one book with the trial version. I then sought help getting my reg code via my email address. someone sent me a new code for my email after I found my original email with the original reg code. niether the new or old one works???
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