Download and back up Wattpad stories as pdf/epub/mobi format to your computer for offline reading with only 1-click. The downloaded files are well formatted as you are reading online, with 100% original formatting and every image inside the stories. Read Wattpad stories with eReaders like Kindle, Kobo, Nook or Remarkable.
Auto detect and display your Current Reads, Archive, and Reading lists. Anyone can easily download a single story or an entire reading list from Wattpad. No more wasting your time downloading story one at a time.
By adopting the leading acceleration technology, the download speed is boosted, which can reach at least 60X faster without affecting the ebook quality in the output files. Say goodbye to capped download speeds and download your favorite stories at the fastest possible speed depending on your internet connection.
Safety is our first priority! Our team is proud to offer the safest ebook downloader app in the market that is 100% secure and without any ads or bundled installers.
Now back up all your Wattpad stories for safekeeping and read them in your preferred way.
1. Update register system.