
Unsupported DRM


3/16/2016 11:27:23 PM

I download DRM removal for free trial and want to decrypt some EPUB files, when I drag them to the software, most of them are decrypted, but only the rest one failed and I get the error message "your book is protected by a kind of DRM we do not support".

It's strange. I can read all of them via Adobe Digital Editions. Anyone knows how to fix this problem?


03/18/2016 01:50:28
Epubor software has a build-in Epub fix tool. I just fixed one of my EPUB files and have removed DRM successfully. Simply click Tools-->Epub-Fix Tool
04/11/2016 23:40:29
Method 1: download the latest software!
Method 2: click "tools" -- "generate Adeptkey", then send the adept.der and .epub files to Epubor.
04/11/2016 23:42:24
Where did you purchase the ebook?
04/16/2016 17:51:35

Sometimes we will facing this kind of problems.
I hope epubor study it and improve the DRM removal.

I use the ultimate version and also sometimes epubor can not remove the Drm.
sometimes can not convert the files.

But most of the time epubor can solve it

06/20/2016 03:26:18
I hope epubor add features to submit the files, so epubor can study it and try to support it
02/8/2017 00:32:12
I would like converto my Kobo kepub book in to epub, but some of them stay in wait infinite on drag and drop, with 0% on progress bar on Remove DRM
06/27/2017 18:29:05

Dear Sir or Madam,

In our public library in Slovenia it is possible to borrow e-books. Unfortunately, my e-reader device is not supported in their system. Therefore, the only working solution for reading the books on my e-reader device is to remove ebooks DRM protection. After that, I can send them to my e-reader. I bought your software and all worked perfectly for two years. Suddenly the software has not been able to decrypt books. I contacted the personeel in public library and they replied that they had upgraded the system to stronger DRM protection. They can not configure my e-reader to work with their system either. Is it true, that stronger DRM protection exists? Any chance to decrypt it?

06/28/2017 11:59:17
Thank you for using our software. Please contact us via tickets: http://ticket.epubor.com/, and send us one or two failed books and the Epubor Key file so that we can check on our side.
To find the key icon, please click "Settings" icon >> Tools >> Generate keys >> Open, then open the epubor key files and copy all files and send them to us.
11/30/2024 13:06:23
Epubor ultimate convert only first page of kindle books.Other page blanck. How to solve my problem?
12/4/2024 15:47:33
Are you using the trial version? Please note the trial version only convert the 20% content of each book.
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