
Audible Downloads FAQs: Where are Audible Books Stored Android/PC/Mac/Kindle

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I have purchased a lot of Audible books and downloaded them to my Android phone, but I don't know where the downloaded Audible files are stored on Android. Please help.

As the audiobook lover, you may know how to download your Audible books, but do you know where Audible downloads are stored on Android device? Don't worry. In this article, you'll discover a comprehensive answer to where Audible books are stored on Android/Windows/Mac/Kindle eReader/Kindle Fire.

Where Are Audible Files Stored on Windows PC?

Are you using Windows system? If yes, find the Audible downloads on Windows is super easy if you follow my steps.

The location for your downloaded Audible files will vary depending on the method you use to download Audible books.

I cannot find "Download" button under my Audible books. What to do?

Case 1: Not all Audible books in your Audible library can be downloaded, and this is decided by the Audible officially. Only the Audible books purchased by credits or money can be downloaded. If you just subscribe the Audible plus, you can only listen to your added Audible audiobooks, and there will be no "Download" button over there.

Case 2: If you purchase Audible books from the UK, Germany, Japan, or other non-USA countries, you still cannot find the "Download" button. It seems that only Audible.com offers the download option.

How to fix:If you cannot find download button, please don't worry. Just follow "How to download Audible to MP3" to download your Audible books with ease.

no download button

Case 1. Audible books downloaded directly from the Audible website

As of May 2021, Audible allows users to download purchased Audible books directly from its website. Simply click the "Download" button and you'll download Audible books to your computer directly. The Audible books will be downloaded as .aax files, and you can choose the location for the Audible downloads by yourself. Just remember the download path. Therefore, it is easy to find your Audible downloads on your PC. The picture below shows how to download Audible books to Windows from the Audible website.

where are audible books stored on pc

Case 2. Audible books downloaded via Audible app for Window 10/8

Updated 2022:Audible has discontinued the Audible Windows app in 2022. But if you still have the Audible books downloaded via Audible app, you can check the path below to find your Audible downloads on PC.

If you are using Audible app for windows(Downloaded from Microsoft store), you will find your audible file here:


You can also find the downloaded audible file by the following steps.

Step 1. Run Audible Windows App.

Step 2. Click on the "Setting" icon at the bottom left column to see all "Settings" option.

audible location windows 10

Step 3. Click on "Download" button.

audible location windows 10

Step 4.Then "Open Download Location in File Explorer" to open the folder stored your downloaded Audible books.

where are audible files stored on PC

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I change the location of Audible books on PC?

A: Sure, you can decide where to store your downloaded audible books if you are using Audible Windows apps. Run Audible on Windows>>Settings>>Downloads>>Download location>> Custom location. Then you can choose where to store Audible books on your computer.
change audible location on pc

Case 3. Audible books downloaded via AudibleSync

On July 1st, 2020, Audible has launched its new downloading tools for Audible books, that is AudibleSync. If you have downloaded Audible ebooks via AudibleSync, you can find it here:


audiblesync downloads

Case 4. Audible books downloaded via Audible Download Manager

If you've downloaded Audible books directly from Audible website very long time ago, you may find downloaded Audible files not in aa or aax, but with .adh.

audible downloads in adh

In this situation you will need Audible Download Manager to help you download the adh to audible aax or aa format. For Audible books downloaded via this way, you can find it here:


You can also find your downloaded audible files by clicking on "Find" or "Downloads folder".

find audible downloads

Where are Audible Files Stored on Mac?

On Mac computer, there is no specific software required to download the Audible file. Simply log in to your Audible library via web browser and click on the “Download” button next to the book title. A window will pop up asking you where you would like to store your downloaded Audible file. Choose your preferred location, and the Audible files will be saved on your Mac.

where are audible books stored on Mac

Where are Audible Files Stored on Android?

If you listen to and download Audible frequently on your Android device, it is important to know where the Audible files are stored on your Android device. This information will be helpful if you want to transfer the Audible files to your computer or move audible books to SD card when the internal storage is full. Generally, the downloaded Audible files on Android are stored in the following location:

This PC>Your Android device name>Internal storage>Android>data>com.audible.application>files

See below picture which shows the detailed Audible Android location.

where are audible books stored on android

Important notice: On 6/20/2019, Audible updated their Android App. Since then, the Audible books downloaded via the Android App are all in .AAXC format. Before that, they were in AAX or AA format.

Updated 2024:

Audible for Android app has changed the downloaded audible files from .aaxc to .exo recently.

audible format on android

Now you can find your downloaded Audible files on Android here: /Android/data/com.audible.application/files/exoCache

where are audible books stored on android

Where are Audible books stored on iPhone?

I'm confident that you can now easily locate where Audible books are stored on Android. However, for iOS devices, it's not possible to find where downloaded Audible books are stored on the iPhone due to system restrictions and closed access.

Find Audible Downloads on Kindle eReader

There are many Audible-supported Kindle devices. If you have ever downloaded audible books to this kind eReaders, you can find Audible downloads in the Audible folder on the Kindle devices, as shown in the picture below.

"This PC">"Kindle">"Audible"

audible file location on kindle

Find Audible Downloads on Kindle Fire

Audible is compatible with most Kindle tablets. If you have downloaded Audible files on your Kindle Fire tablet, you can locate them by following these simple steps:

Step 1: Connect your Kindle Fire tablet to your Windows or Mac computer using a USB cable.

kindle fire connect to pc

Step 2: Open the File Explorer on your Windows computer or Finder on your Mac computer and select the "Kindle" option.

Step 3: Navigate to the "Audible" folder and you will find the downloaded Audible files in it.

no file in the audible folder

The above steps explain where to find Audible files on a Kindle Fire, but I couldn't find any Audible files there because my Kindle Fire is not rooted. If you're willing to take the risk of rooting your Kindle, you may be able to find them there. Otherwise, there's no need to search for your Audible files on a Kindle Fire.

How to Download Audible to MP3 with Ease

If your Audible books don't have a download button or if you can only find limited Audible-compatible apps or players, you can still enjoy your Audible books on any device. Simply download Audible to MP3 with Epubor Audible Converter.

Pro Tips How to Download Audible to MP3? The easiest way.

Epubor Audible Converter is highly recommended as it not only removes Audible DRM but also converts Audible to MP3 at a blazing 60X speed, all while retaining the original quality of the audiobook. If you're searching for an easy way to locate and listen to Audible books on any player or simply back them up, don't miss out on this powerful Audible Converter!

Download Epubor Audible Converter for Free

How-to Guide

1. Click " Login" at the top left corner to pop up the Audible Regions. Select the your Audible region and then login to Audible within Epubor Audible Converter

2. Click "Refresh" button to load your Audible library, then drag audible book title from left side to right.

3. Click on "Convert to MP3" button to start the downloading and converting process.

A few minutes later, you'll download your Audible books to MP3 format.

convert audible books to mp3

Find Audible Downloads in Epubor Audible Converter

As we mentioned before, your Kindle books will be downloaded and converted using Epubor Audible Converter. Where are the downloaded and converted Audible files stored?

Once the conversion process is finished, click on the "Open" button at the top menu bar, and it will open the folder that contains your downloaded AAXC file and the converted Audible MP3 files.

The converted Audible file will be stored as [audibleregion]audibleusername, for example, [uk]serviceEpubor.

The originally downloaded Audible file will be stored in the Library folder under the EpuborAudible directory. Please refer to the picture below.

convert audible books to mp3

Now you can copy your drm-free Audible MP3 books to any mp3 players or cars. Super easy!

FAQs on Where are Audible books stored

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I move Audible books to SD card on Android?

A: The best solution to move Audible to SD card is to convert Audible to MP3 and transfer the MP3 Audible books to SD card. Audible files are all protected by DRM in special Audible format. Therefore, to make these Audible audiobooks are playable on other devices, you need to convert Audible to MP3? Still there are 3 solutions to transferring audible books to sd card on Android.

Q: Where can I find my Audible books?

A: Usually, the Audible books are in your Audible library. You can access your Audible library by visiting the audible.com or your local audible website and go to Audible library to find all your purchased or added Audible books. It should be noted that not all audible books can be downloaded. Some Audible books only have the "Play" option.

Q: Where does the audible app store the audiobooks on windows?

A: It depends on the Audible app you are using. Currently, the Audible app on Windows for downloading Audible books is AudibleSync. You can find the audiobooks stored by AudibleSync here: C:\Users\YourComputerUsername\AppData\Roaming\AudibleSync\downloads

Q: Where are Audible files stored on Android phone?

A: If you want to find your downloaded audible files on your Android phone, you may need to root your Android device to find the downloaded Audible files on Android. Here is the path for Audible download on Android: /Android/data/com.audible.application/files/exoCache
audible location android

Q:I can't find downloaded Audible AXX book files. I download Audible via AudibleSync.

A:Usually, you can find the Audible files here: C:\Users\YourComputerUsername\AppData\Roaming\AudibleSync\downloads . But please note that the "AppData" is hidden file on your windows computer. You need to click on the menu bar "View" - "Show" - "hidden items".
show app data hidden file

Q: Where are audible books stored on windows 11?

A: It depends on the Audible app you are using. Currently, the Audible app on Windows for downloading Audible books is AudibleSync. You can find the audiobooks stored by AudibleSync in the same location as they are on Windows 10: C:\Users\YourComputerUsername\AppData\Roaming\AudibleSync\downloads

Download Epubor Audible Converter for free:

Video tutorial of downloading audible books as MP3 to PC/MAC


has been a passionate member of Epubor since 2017. Her mission is to enhance your ebook reading experience by sharing insightful tips and tricks. Join her on a journey towards reading excellence today!

01/5/2021 04:22:33
Perfect. Thanks for info. Exactly what I was looking for !
01/5/2021 09:02:05
Thank you for your comments~
01/17/2021 12:37:29
The information regarding Windows no longer seems to be correct. Just downloaded the latest version of the Audible app. Custom location is not an available option, nor is there an option to open the download location.
01/18/2021 09:49:39
Thank you for your comments.
My audible for windows 10 is
What's your audible for windows 10 version?
06/9/2021 08:40:31
this is fine but how do i convertaaxc files from my android
06/10/2021 11:23:02
Thank you for asking. Please download your audible books from website on computer (as aax), then convert it with Epubor audible converter.
Any more problem, please feel free to contact us.
11/29/2021 12:48:19
I purchased the convertor last year. Works fantastically! BUT when I went to open it today...it refused to acknowledge that I *had a paid license* ...so it's stuck me back into the free trial. I really don't want to be forced to double pay for a product I already bought and really like so hopefully support gets back to me really soon!
12/1/2021 09:00:05
Thank you for using our software. Please contact the support@epubor.com so that our support team will help you fix this issue.
08/6/2022 09:22:32
How can I move audible books that are stored on a Samsung Android tablet A7 to an SD card?
08/6/2022 09:22:33
How can I move audible books that are stored on a Samsung Android tablet A7 to an SD card?
10/24/2022 21:06:16

Thank you so much for this comprehensible well presented article. I have learned a lot from it.

10/31/2022 11:27:11
Thank you for your feedback. We are glad to know it can help you.
06/30/2024 22:55:27
Is there a way to download and convert my books to MP3 if I don't have a PC only a Samsung Android phone
07/1/2024 08:59:29
Our software only runs on windows and mac computer.
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