Such a pity there are many problems on using Kindle devices because of this or that reason. One of those problems is Kindle charging which cause people a headache. This post contains several conditions about Kindle not charging and how to fix it. Now here we go.
There is a glare screen for most smart devices except for Kindle which is also one of the reasons why people are crazy for Kindle. Ultra-long standby function of Kindle battery makes us enjoy a beautiful reading moment. But Kindle devices are weakness and must be used and protected very careful to extend their service life. We always pay attention to Kindle charging problems.
Firmware/Software Problems of Kindle Charging
Kindle Stuck When Charging
When charging may occasionally encounter Kindle stuck on empty battery screen or Kindle stuck on charging screen.
How to fix it: You can plug out and in or press and release the power button. If that useless you also can Restart Kindle.
Kindle Battery Too Low To Power On
Frequently using or lack of use results in Kindle battery too low to power on. Display very low battery information or power is empty also causes Kindle not open. And you must charge Kindle a few hours then later you can open it.
How to fix it: Long press power button 30 seconds then release and plug in a computer or a charger immediately. Leave it alone and a few hours later you will discover Kindle is charging again. When Kindle has enough power it will restart. And you can allow it to charge full power.
If one trial is useless, you must try it several times. Lots of users feedback to us that they succeeded after trying three or four times.
Kindle Critical Battery Error
When using Kindle for a long time or lack of use, then the battery is empty and the screen may show Kindle critical battery error message such as “Critical Battery. Your battery is empty. To continue using your Kindle, connect it to a power source.”. When seeing this message, your kindle battery can't support Kindle to react with power supply. So you must try several times and hours to charge.
How to fix it: Pug Kindle into computer or adapter. When charging indicator light on then you can leave it alone. After a few hours then you can get fully charged Kindle.
Kindle Battery Dead
Long time not using Kindle will make Kindle battery dead. If you remember it and want to charge it, then you will find Kindle has no reaction even though plugged in. Don't let Kindle battery run down. Even though few weeks or months not using it, you must remember to charge it few times.
How to fix it: Plug Kindle in to charge and leave it alone. During charging don't use it or turn it on. Charging a few hours later Kindle may be live.
Kindle Battery Out Of Sync
When using Kindle the battery may show to discharge very slowly and later rest of battery indicator decrease quickly but no change in using it. This means there is a problem with synchronization.
How to fix it: Insert Kindle into the power supply and close off Kindle. Charging Kindle for more than 4 hours or overnight. Then don't touch any button or using it. Unplug the power supply and open Kindle. Using Kindle until left 15% power and close it. Then charging Kindle again. After that, you may see the Kindle battery shows steady and no abnormity.
Hardware Problems of Kindle Charging
Kindle Charging Cable Problem
Make sure the charging wire/cable you use matches with your Kindle device. Collect the cable to other devices to confirm if your cable can be used normally. This will also warm the USB jack which helps to charge Kindle.
How to fix it: If USB jack of the cable is loose, you may need to give the jack a little pressure, then charging indicator light be on. But this operation is tired and troubled. So the best way for you is to repair the cable or just replace another one or buy a new cable. If the cable is broken, you need to buy another new one or seek help from a repairing shop.
Kindle Power Adapter Problem
Make sure your power adapter suited with your Kindle. Strongly suggest buying a Kindle power adapter from Amazon could be guaranteed.
If you really want to use another power adapter except for Amazon power adapter, please check back of your Kindle, then you will see relevant information about voltage and electric current such as Kindle Paperwhite input 5.25V-Max500mA. That means your Kindle device can receive voltage under 5.25v.
How to fix it: Change another power adapter is the best way to charging Kindle.
Kindle Charging Port Broken/Loose
If Kindle charging port is loose, you can search someone's help or by yourself to solder the port back into original position. Also, some electronic device repair shop can help you fix Kindle charging port.
How to fix it: Solder the port back; Repair Kindle; Contact Kindle Customer Service
Kindle Battery Broken
kindle battery problems are annoying. If Kindle has passed guarantee period and restart or recharging are invalid, a new Kindle battery may solve your problem. But replace a battery is always a challenge for most people. And this process hasn't any warranty. But if you have full confident to do this, please try it.
How to fix it: Replace Kindle battery by yourself; Repair Kindle; Contact Kindle Customer Service
Summary Methods When Kindle Battery not Charging
Method 1: Restart Kindle
Official Amazon Tutorial: Battery Won't Stay Charged Restart Your Kindle
Epubor Restart Kindle Tutorial: For Each Kindle Version
For firmware or software problems of Kindle charging, you can firstly try to restart your Kindle. Kindle will be OK after restarting in most conditions. Please try above tutorials firstly, if useless then continue to read following methods.
For Kindle e-ink version: Long press power button for 30 seconds(maybe press longer) until Kindle restart. Don't plug it in any power supply and leave it alone. Be patient for this process.
For Kindle Fire version: Pull out the power supply. Long press power button enough 20 seconds and release. Don't mind any information appeared on the screen. Restart your Kindle Fire after your device entirely closed.
There is also a "Restart" option in setting option of the latest few Kindle versions. You can find it and just touch this option. Then Kindle will reboot.
If Kindle doesn't have enough power to complete rebooting, you must charge it for few hours until Kindle can restart.
Method 2: Reset Kindle to Factory Default
In Kindle setting options, enter device information option, then you can see reset device option. Select it your Kindle will be reset.
Please mention this operation will change your Kindle to be brand new. After resetting Kindle, you will lose saved files of your device. And you must have to re-download previous apps, books or personality customization. Register your Amazon account and your books still be there.
Method 3: Adjust the Brightness/Volume Level
Some Kindle users find out that adjusting the brightness/volume level can get Kindle to charge. It is a complex mystery about why this way is effective. But if there are no other effective methods, why not try it? So following are their steps.
Find the brightness setting. If Kindle has the automatic brightness button then turn it off. Adjust the brightness to the lowest level. Then open automatic brightness again. You may find the screen shows Kindle is charging. After full charging, you can turn brightness level to which you want.
If there has a volume button of your Kindle such as Kindle Fire, then you can turn the voice down then Kindle may charge normally.
Method 4: Repair Your Kindle
If matched hardware or device was broken or not used in normally, you can go to a local electronic product repairing shop. Please be sure this shop is reputable and experienced in repairing Kindle.
As well there are many repairing Kindle devices service on eBay, you can research the keyword "Kindle Repair" on this site.
Want to repair by yourself, check YouTube Kindle Repair Videos. But this isn't recommended.
Method 5: Contact Kindle customer service
When Contact Kindle Customer Service, you must have an Amazon account.
You can contact Kindle Customer Service to change your products or free repair if your products are in warranty period. Even though your products passed warranty period, they may give you a discount to change the bad one.
I recommend you select "Live Chat" or "Call me back" function than email which is very slow. Whether they can give you a satisfied answer or not in the end, as long as you contact them there is always a glimmer of hope.
Tips: Normal Kindle Charging and Full Charging Time
How Do I Know My Kindle is Charging
When Kindle is charging, there will be a lightning bolt on the screen. Enter into Kindle, it also has a lightning bolt on the top right navigation of the screen. It has an indicator light in the bottom edges of Kindle devices. When Kindle is charging the light will be orange/amber, and when full charging will be green. But if the light is not on it may illustrate there is something wrong with Kindle charging.
Full Charging Time
On the basis of the official word, charging your Kindle with well-matched cable and power adapter designed by Amazon will take less than 4 hours. Charge your Kindle by plugging in a computer with USB jack will take 4-6 hours. Meanwhile, according to the standard of hardware capacitance, it may take a longer time to full charging.
If Kindle not charging, please figure out which reasons lead to this. And you can try above methods. Perhaps you have better-solving ways then leave comments to benefit more users.

Grace Sue A reading enthusiast. Always pay close attention to the world of Ebook. Devote myself to share everything about e-book and favorably receive any suggestions.
I've tried to restart and it goes off then back to home screen. It's really annoying as I just downloaded a few books right before it stopped working.
I've even got it charging, the green light comes on then goes off again.
Really frustrating, can anyone please help or advise me on what to do now.
Try a few more times to restart your Kindle. Hold the power button longer.
Try to delete those books firstly and check if the device is normal.
Plug Kindle into a computer. Check the internal storage of your Kindle Paperwhite. Maybe there is no enough memory of your device.
I have the same problem. Paperwhite with battery with exclamation mark. No light when plugged in. Tried different cables. Pressing power long time makes kindle flash white sometimes, but then battery! reappears.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Hi there, have you succeded in solving your problem? I have the very same issue with my Kindle 3. A have ordered a new accumulator thinking it would fix my problem, but it didnt’t work.
Epubor: could I change this charging interface, you mentioned, by myself? Unfortunately we don’t have Amazon Service Office near.
My Kindle has been plugged in for the past 2 days and I still see the screen with the empty battery- no screen refreshing, no blinking, no reaction at all to any of the 30sec. (or longer) tries to restart/ reset it. The orange light is on whenever plugged in, though. Also, it is plugged into the A/C.
I have broken my old Kindle, D01100- no touchscreen, when I leaned against it (not seeing it on the bed) and destroyed the screen (or half of it). Still, decided to get another one of the same kind, second hand one as it is not available for sale any more, since I loved it- it's super light and has buttons :) Anyways, got myself a second one but left it unused for a few weeks (it did turn on, though, when I tried it after buying). Now I desperately want to turn it on but it does not react to anything I am doing. Should I leave it on charge for another day or two, or should I look into replacing the battery, using the one from my old Kindle?
Hi again :)
Thank you for a quick reply.
The confusing thing is that the light is on, yet still it is not charging, as it seems.
Maybe a silly question but how do I check if the interface is OK, apart from contacting Amazon support of other "fixing sevice"?
Hi all please I need help, my Kindle have been off for more than a year. I charged it over night but its not coming on. the orange and green light keeps coming on and off. I have tried the 30 second this and still no success, what can I do please. I have very important notes on it that I need. When on charge, it shows orange and the green.
Someone please help
My Kindle refused to charge last night when I plugged it in - battery indicator had just dropped into the red. Note: I use mine pretty much every day. Not only would it not charge, it wouldn't turn back on when I tried. I tried the "Kindle Battery Too Low To Power On" option listed above. My Kindle is now sitting on my desk next to me charging back up. Thanks for the help!
Esabel Beltran
I was about to sling it
Thanks again.
lead me to your page.
Thank you !! It took 3 attempts, I had to the power button when it was orange, and hold it down 15 seconds, then longer, and finally on the 3 try I got what looked like a powering up screen with a tree.
Soooo happy!! Thought it was gone....
I have tried holding the switch routine all to no avail, any ideas ?
My Kindle was off for 4 years. I tried the 30 second thing a number of times but no dice. I then re=read all the postings on here and spotted the 15 second method. Jackpot I plugged it in and while the orange light was on I held the button down for 15 secs and then released it. to my surprise instead of it flashing and going off a it had many times before it stayed lite and I got the familiar tree. It is now up and running.
A day or so later it was down to 50% and when I plugged in the charger it came up to 52%, but no more. Tried the same long reboot but it was no longer effective.
Amazon recommended taking it to a local shop to get the charging port replaced. They changed the charging port but it did not help. Now the battery low warning icon is on the screen. Is there anything else to try?
I have given up my Kindle Paperwhite as a paper weight.Followed the 30 seconds mantra and plugged on and it bust into life and said it is updating its software!
Fry me an Oyster!
And thanks a ton!
I have a Kindle touch 3g (D01200) has been unused for a long time, probably more than a year. I took it out two days ago, and tried to charge it.
1. The yellow light is on whenever kindle is connected to adapter.
2. I have charged it overnight. When I checked in morning, the charging light was off. It never turned green.
3. Again when I connect to power source, yellow light is ON.
4. However the light never turns green, and Kindle is stuck in "Kindle Battery Too Low To Power On" screen (the first pic in this post).
What can I do ?
If it still doesn't work, please contact the Amazon customer service.
It might be that your charger port on your kindle was habitually pushed in too far while charging and now the charger is not connecting or seated fully in the port. Try using a knife point or small screwdriver to pry the port back out into position and see if the charging light comes on when plugging in the charger.
Be gentle connecting the charger to the charging port.
After no luck with any of the suggestions here, I took my Kindle Paperwhite apart, tested the 3.7V battery and its at 4.3V. I disconnected the battery, reconnected it and the unit booted up....even updated. The battery life meter now says 98%, but then counts down almost a volt every 30 seconds right down to 0%. If I try charging it during the meter discharge, it runs down even faster to 0%. Test the battery and it’s still above 4V, so not the battery but for some reason the battery life meter is working on it’s own and once to 0%, it shuts down the kindle and it won’t boot back up. Once I disconnect the battery, the unit resets and the life meter starts around 90% and the cycle starts again back down to 0%.
If the meter is on the motherboard, I need to find a way to resync it with the battery. But it the meter is contained in the battery, then I figure replacing it should work.
After no luck with any of the suggestions here, I took my Kindle Paperwhite apart, tested the 3.7V battery and its at 4.3V. I disconnected the battery, reconnected it and the unit booted up....even updated. The battery life meter now says 98%, but then counts down almost a volt every 30 seconds right down to 0%. If I try charging it during the meter discharge, it runs down even faster to 0%. Test the battery and it’s still above 4V, so not the battery but for some reason the battery life meter is working on it’s own and once to 0%, it shuts down the kindle and it won’t boot back up. Once I disconnect the battery, the unit resets and the life meter starts around 90% and the cycle starts again back down to 0%.
If the meter is on the motherboard, I need to find a way to resync it with the battery. But it the meter is contained in the battery, then I figure replacing it should work.
you are the best
I have a kindle paperwhite.
Phoned Amazon for advice, didn't get any instead they tried to sell me another device!
I've tried all day to charge it. No sign of any light. Have a battery with exclamation mark.
Don't know what else to try.
Have swapped leads, charged from socket & laptop. Have pressed and held button to turn on so many times. For 20 seconds, then 40 seconds.
Any ideas please?
Have a nice day.
The weird part is that when I plug it to the wall charger nothing happens, no amber light.
When I plug it to my computer, the amber light comes up, but only stays lit for a few seconds.
I’ve tried holding the power button while the light is on, but no success. Any insights? Thanks and great forum.
Have a nice day.
a new one. Mine is getting old and when I have to replace it, I will buy another
Kindle Fire. You're the best
I looked up the problem I was having with my Kindle Battery.
Followed the instructions and wow I can now use my Kindle again.
Great site, would HIGHLY recommend for Kindle problems
:) thanks
P.s, thanks for this article. it helped me get started!
My charging port is loose and not charging. How can I get this fixed?
Type :
Fire HD 10 (7th Generation)
Serial number :
Device registered on :
February 2, 2019
This is what I have. Do you have the battery for it and can I change it out?
Please help.Screen shows battery low, exclamation mark,the light is green, I've pressed for 40 sec and rebooted. Battery top right corner says 99%, but next day it has Battery low exclamation mark again.
Hello, thanks for your comment.
It seems that you Kindle battery is broken. You can try to replace your Kindle battery or contact Kindle Customer Service for help. Thank you!
Best regards,
Epubor Team
I have a Kindle PaperWhite 2022 - just over a year old. Recently its battery was fully depleted with critical battery error. I could not get it to charge despite change of power adapter and USB-C / USB-A cable. I also pressed the power button down for a minute. Changing power socket and to USB-C Power adapter and cable USB-C both ends I charged it for eight hours and it charged battery to 35%. Any advice welcome - Patrick