homeHome > Products > eBook Tools > Audible Converter > Reviews
05/29/2017 01:54:33
If you follow the directions (download the Audible file with the Audible Download Manager, etc.) this converter works VERY well.  I've had zero problems converting my audio books to mp3 files so I can burn them to CD's and listen to them on my car CD player when driving.  It's the perfect tool for what I was looking for.  The $60 lifetime license (free upgrades to future editions) for multiple computers is an awesome deal, in my opinion.  Thank you, Epubor, for a great product.  My only request, perhaps in a future version, would be to incorporate burning software into the Epubor application.  That would make things moer efficient, only having to use one application for everything!  :)
05/31/2017 14:24:22
We are glad that you like our Audible converter. We've reported your suggestions to our R&D. They will consider your advice very seriously.
09/16/2017 22:19:11
tried to convert an audio book but it only converts the first 3min and then stops... the design is nice though^^
09/20/2017 15:11:47

The trial version only convert the 3 minutes of each audible books. Sorry for the inconvenience.

12/7/2017 07:14:30
It's not working. Only converts the first 3 minutes. Not usable.
12/11/2017 16:32:49
The trial version only convert 3 minutes of each audible file, but the licensed version will give your the full content
01/18/2018 03:04:30
I've only done the trial so far but will the full version capture the chapters or will it be a single audio file as I see in the 3 minute snippet?
01/2/2018 09:25:34
Great product and efficiently removes DRM. One problem is that cover art is now stripped off the m4b file. So, new files are now missing album art. Please fix for another star. Thank you!
01/2/2018 16:12:41
Thank you for your suggestion. We will report your suggestion to our R&D.
08/22/2018 10:36:12
Great job.
12/9/2018 21:58:16
Unfortunately it does not work. I would like to cancel the purchase therefore.
12/19/2018 21:43:16
Hallo, hier wird Deutsch gesprochen, und das ist gut so. Wer kann mir helfen? Habe mir den Audible Converter gekauft. Installiert und alles lief einwandfrei. Dann war ich so schlau und habe meinen Laptop  unter Wasser gesetzt. Jetzt versuche ich ganz verzweifelt das Programm auf meinem neuen Laptop zum laufen zu bringen. Leider vergebens, es erscheint beim Umwandeln nur die Meldung "Failed". Alle Möglichkeiten die auf der Seite von Epubor beschrieben sind habe ich versucht, nichts hat geholfen. Mit den englischen Antworten kann ich nicht viel anfangen. Bitte helft mir.
12/20/2018 14:19:31
I just check with our customer service and ensure they  tried to help you fix your Teamviewer but never received any reply since then. Hope your problem has been fixed now. If not, please contact our customer service support@epubor.com or skype: epubor.alice@gmail.com.
12/24/2018 05:43:07
latest version I have is   Every single time I need to use this package there is a major delay while I have to reregister, and re register   really sucks.  I am looking for other tools to do the same task. unfortunately I have not found them yet.
02/10/2019 06:46:24

I had high hopes for this software since Sound Taxi no longer works or seems to be supported. However, as I began to explorer this Audible converter I found that it is inaccessible for persons who happen to be blind, like me, as it is not possible to use a screen reader to click the buttons to make the program work.

What is more disappointing is that when I pointed this out to customer support, rather than discussing what might be done to fix the problem, my money was refunded and I apparently have simply been dismissed. This is no way for any company to behave in our world where Inclusion should be the norm. It is for the apparent lack of concern for access that I write to say that I cannot recommend this software to anyone. If a company does not wish to make its product work for all then the company should not be in business.

02/11/2019 10:55:23
Thank you for purchasing Epubor Audible converter.
First of all, we are sincerely sorry for refunding your money.
Secondly, your constructive suggestions has been well received. We will add this function to our audible converter.
Thirdly,  once this function has been added, I will write to you to let you know.
You can also contact me about this issue. My email address is epubor.iris@gmail.com
03/17/2019 00:12:50
Waste of Q@#@#$@ time!! You got to love these sites which advertise free conversions! Then just another scam!
03/27/2019 23:44:07
Doesn't work on audible files (aax).
I've been trying to convert an audible book for a week. Tried contacting tech support, sent messages, uploaded files. Still no response from tech support. Don't buy this software!!!
04/23/2019 06:50:28
I was having trouble using this because I was using an old PC, sent in a ticket, followed the download link, installed the software and it works beautifully. Simple to use, does what it is supposed to do, what more could you want?
05/6/2019 03:01:16
Is there a plan to incorporate MP3 to M4B and vice versa?  The reason I ask is my library provides MP3 books but the ipod the grandkids gave me needs M4B for bookmarking.  The itunes thing only does M4A and I (over 70) find it complicated to use.
05/7/2019 18:48:29
As someone else already said, this programme does have accessibility issues, it cannot be used entirely with the keyboard. More specifically, the button that allows to split books into fragments/chapters can only be activated with a mouse click, which is truly unfortunate. This can be easily fixed either by making that button reachable by tabbing, or, even better, by adding a combo box or a series of radio buttons to the settings. If they truly care, it's not complicated and wouldn't take long. I opened a ticket and made this suggestion four weeks ago. The answer promises that this feature will be considered in a future version. Let's hope this won't take centuries to come! For the time being, I can only wait and hope.
05/9/2019 03:20:12
Vpcara79@gmail.comAs a totally blind person, and having just spent 45 dollars for a licence i find it totally unusable. You cannot access the different menues via a keyboard, and this is no use especially for someone who is totally blind. There should be a helpline so that someone could explain how to use the product. I am really disappointed in this product, and can't convert my books. I only wish my money could be refunded, but i'm stuck with something i can't use.
05/9/2019 10:51:17
Thank you for using Epubor audible converter. We are sincerely sorry for your issue, but we did have fixed the problem you mentioned in the comments. To help you fix your problem individually, our customer support will contact you via email to help you fix your problem. Please do not worry.
05/18/2019 16:11:47
Having tried to use this product, I still have to say that the software update isn't nearly as accessible to a totally blind person as the old software was. I have even tried to look for the option to break the book into chapters both in the MP3 section, and the M4B section, and can't find it. I even got a sighted friend to come and look at the settings, and he could only find the conversion to either MP3 or M4B but could see nothing about breaking the book into chapters. I have got so disappointed, that I have uninstalled it.  Val Paul
08/4/2019 03:03:05
It functions perfectly. I can convert my aax-Audible-files direktly into mp3-files. Wonderful.
Because I need the mp3-versions of all of my many Audiobooks. That is: I intend to tune these mp3-files with Audacity, namely to reduce the bass-volume of the Audiobooks und to enhance the treble volume. Because my earphone is very bassy - when I hear the Audiobook, the bass is too strong.
08/5/2019 10:28:59
Thank you for your feedback. We are glad to this software can help you. Have a nice day!
01/3/2020 12:12:51

Hallo und guten Morgen

ich habe seit gestern den AAC-MP3 Converter "Epubor Audible Converter" in der aktuellen Version.
Einfache Bedienung, verarbeitet auch sehr große Audible-Hörücher (hier ES von Stephen King fast 3 GB
groß) ohne Probleme, Aufteilung in einzelne Segmente (hier 3 Min-Intervalle) geht auch gut.
Was mir jedoch fehlt, ist die erweitere Bearbeitung bzw. Einfügung von Metadaten, wie z. B.
Album, Genre, Vorleser oder auch Erzähler.
Wenn das mit dabei wäre, wäre die software nahezu perfekt.
Wäre also schön, wenn Ihr eine erweiterte Metadaten-Bearbeitung mit implementieren könntet.

Herbert Bode

01/6/2020 09:54:53
Thank you for your comments. The metadata are all there for your reference. For editing the metadata, we will consider adding this feature in the future.
01/14/2020 01:24:20
Everytime I try to convert my audiobooks it says that the conversion has failed. All of them are standart .aax data. Why doesn't it work? I don't want to have payed for not being able to use the program.
01/14/2020 08:37:15
Thank you for leaving the comments. I just checked this issue with our customer service. The customer support team has already send you the email to help you check what's the issue with this book. Please check your email box to get the further assistance.
03/18/2020 21:05:17
Every time I try to open the download I get pop ups on my MacBook Pro (Catalina) that it can't be trusted and may contain malware.  
03/19/2020 16:22:28
Thank you for your comments. Epubor Audible converter is 100% safe and clean. Please just ignore the reminder and install it.
03/19/2020 22:12:37
I  have only one critisizem and that is, I  use Jaws and NVDA which are screen readers for the blind, and I  cannot find either the help page or where to split the book into chapters. I  would also be glad if you could tell me, do you add the book, then, choose the output format? I'm afraid the instructions on the guide are not very clear.
03/23/2020 14:52:51
Thank you for your comments. We have the special version for blind people. Below is the download link:
win:  http://download.epubor.com/sold/audible-converter-blind.exe
mac: http://download.epubor.com/sold/audible-converter-blind.zip
03/20/2020 21:35:16
I have been having a problem restering epubor, have reported several times, but customer service is not responding.Have spent £30 on this but not satyisfied with service.Sorry.
03/23/2020 15:16:24
Thank you for contacting us. We did receive your email and also replied it 5 days ago.Please check your email box, even spam. Today, we also send an email to you when you see your comments here.
04/3/2020 02:02:44
Easy to use and it works. Thank you!
04/4/2020 13:07:01
Thank you for your feedback. We are glad to know you like this software. Have a nice day.
05/16/2020 02:00:39


bought this software in March and used it several times already. Works fine. Now I received an advertisment that I should upgrade to a 60% faster version which also  allows to edit the meta data. Actually I thought I bought a lifetime version with all upgrades included. But then I thought OK 60% faster and editing the meta data might be a real big upgrade. First thing I tried was to look in Epubor for an upgrade tool which is of course checking the already installed version and is verifying if there is a free update. But no such function available in Epubor. So I bought the software again as I thought the mentioned features are worth the money. And then.... it looks as if this version is absolutely identical to what I bought in March. Its still Version 1.0. Its really unsatisfactory that I paid for nothing. I‘m really satisfied with this software but of course I would really appreciate if you could unwind this transaction.

05/17/2020 12:49:13

Thank you for your comments. There must be some confusion. Please note that Epubor software are all free to upgrade. There is no need to pay for this software again if you have purchased it before but the license is still valid.

Also, if you have purchased this software twice, please contact our customer support via support@epubor.com about this issue. They will proceed the refund for you.

Please don't worry.

06/19/2020 08:07:13

I have used Epubor Audible Converter for over a year now, and it has successfully converted nearly 300 audio books from the Audible format to MP3 format, so that I can play them on all of my devices.  Epubor has consistently proven that they are a quality company putting out quality software.  Whereas I used to have to record a live stream of my audio books in order to convert them to MP3 (sometimes taking nearly a week to complete), now I can convert multiple audio books in about 30 minutes to an hour.  There are a number of books that I have converted which were in my library, but now are no longer in my library because Audible does not carry them anymore.  Converting my audio books allows me to keep a backup copy of my purchases so that I am not wasting money.  Thank you for a great product.

I've also been very impressed with Epubor Ultimate, which has allowed me to convert all of my Kindle books to EPUB format.  I can very easily transfer them to all of my devices, and I'm not required to use the Kindle app to read my books any longer.  Also, I'm able to backup my purchases and have peace of mind knowing that I will always have a copy of them.  Thanks Epubor for making such great software.

06/19/2020 08:33:15
Thank you for your feedback. We are very glad to know that you like Epubor software.
07/21/2020 21:14:32
It is a great idea to split the files (AAX) into chapters. It is too bad that it does not work.
I bought the program specifically to split the files and it hangs up every time at 99%.
I do not want to talk to a robot.
07/22/2020 16:16:01
Thank you for contacting us and we are sincerely sorry for this issue.
Our customer team also received your request. Please send the screenshot of the error message as well as this audible books to support@epubor.com. We'll check this issue and help you fix it ASAP.
07/21/2020 21:19:30
It is a great idea to split the files (AAX) into chapters. It is too bad that it does not work.
I bought the program specifically to split the files and it hangs up every time at 99%.
I do not want to talk to a robot.
09/14/2020 14:13:12
I do not know how to download the audible files into my computer (iMac)!!!  I have only downloaded into the audible app on my iphone.
09/15/2020 08:47:42

Thank you for asking. On you imac, you just need to go to the audible.com website and then click on "Download" button next to the book you want to download, and wait for a moment.
And then your audible books will be downloaded soon. And you can find your downloaded audible books here on mac: https://www.epubor.com/where-are-audible-books-stored-on-pcmacandroidkindle-devices.html#m4

Any more problem, please feel free to contact me vis epubor.iris@gmail.com

10/17/2020 02:12:12
This is a great program definitely worth the price!
Thanks Epubor!
10/19/2020 11:19:55
Thank you for your comments. We are glad to know you like our software.
01/10/2021 19:54:38
Ich habe das Programm (lebenslanger Zugriff) gestern gekauft und habe den Key auch zugemailt bekommen. Leider kann man sich damit (und mit seiner Email) nicht direkt einloggen, sondern MUSS erstmal ein Feedback schreiben. Das tue ich hiermit, damit ich bald damit arbeiten kann.
01/10/2021 20:02:09
Ich habe das Programm (lebenslanger Zugriff) gestern gekauft und habe den Key auch zugemailt bekommen. Leider kann man sich damit (und mit seiner Email) nicht direkt einloggen, sondern MUSS erstmal ein Feedback schreiben. Das tue ich hiermit, damit ich bald damit arbeiten kann.
03/8/2021 14:54:42
quand je tape l'adresse mail sous licence on m'indique:"format de couriel incorect" donc je ne peut pas utiliser epubor audible converter que j'ai acheter
03/9/2021 09:09:01
Thank you for asking. We've checked our order system and find that you ordered Epubor Ultimate, not audible converter.
If you wanted to order audible converter, please contact us via support@epubor.com and then we will change the license for you.
03/16/2021 22:02:38
just bought epubor audible and begun convert an audible book .aax to MP3.
very surprised to see how very long it is to proceed, whereas I read : "60 x faster, just in a few seconds"
In fact it took me 23 minutes to get a result !
I just hope someone will be able to prove me I did it the wrog way.
03/17/2021 10:45:40
Can you please tell us how long is your original aax file?
Also, can you please send this file to support@epubor.com and then we can test it at our side.
04/19/2021 15:42:30
Works a treat. Was having problems loading audible files onto my Sandisk with Audibles software. This program converts to .mp3 very quickly and means I can play Audible stuff on almost any player. Thanks
04/21/2021 11:10:18
Thank you for your feedback.We are glad to know that you like our software. Have a nice day.
05/25/2021 05:33:27
what the use of a trial version if u only get part of the book i would have bought it if i liked it but not now will try somewhere else
07/10/2021 08:56:52
Worth every penny to upgrade. I tried so many different things and just couldn't get my books on my MP3 player. I use an underwater MP3 player for swimming and I couldn't find an Audible "approved" one. This software is so easy to use. Perfect!
09/28/2021 08:15:46
Free trial: didn't work when converting AAX files.
Paid for registration ; no support at all. Still waiting for activation.
12/31/2021 17:21:06
your software doesn't work. it crashes when it tries to load an audiobook.
01/4/2022 11:33:23
Please send the audible file to support@epubor.com so that we can help you fix this issue.
02/10/2022 19:00:06
My experience has shown, that it does not automatically detects the file type. If the audible file downloaded via Firefox the extension given is MP4. This does not work - rename to extension AAX and it works flawlessly... hope this helps the one or other.
01/16/2022 08:02:22
Crapware.  Plain and Simple....
02/7/2022 22:27:04

bought a license. Tried converting a currently downloaded book. Nada...
The software just hangs. I would be grateful if this app just did what it is supposed to do.
Until now - waiting for some support - it is not doing what I expect it to do and that is simply not satisfactory...

Best regards

09/1/2022 00:08:26

I LOVE this program... I don't use it very often but recently I had a hard drive failure without a decent backup of my audio book library, so I had to re-download my entire library from Audible  — literally more than a hundred books. After I had about fifty of my books downloaded, I began to feed them to Audible Converter one at a time, when I thought "What the hell. I'll try throwing all fifty of them at it & see what happens."

What happened was that the program just worked with remarkable speed, even on very long books like Shogun (30 hours), which left me in the unusual position of wanting to write a software review.  Since we're doing stars, I can't give more stars than ***** or I would. Thank you...jt

09/7/2022 11:14:33
Thank you for your feedback.
We are glad to know you love our software.
09/12/2022 23:41:33
It is so great to be able to listen to the content I've paid for access to on devices that can't use the Audible app.
11/2/2022 05:17:32
So far it seems to work as advertised.  The only problem is the download time. It is by no means a few minutes per book. I ran a test using the same book (Livid by Patricia Cornwall - 10 hours 30 minutes in length @ 581mb).
1st - No Splits - 10 minutes
2nd - Split every 15 min. - 28 minutes
3rd - Split by Chapter - 42 Chapters - 35 minutes
The above example is doing 1 book at a time.  I actually did 15 books at a time, Split by Chapters, and it took considerably longer per book.
Would I buy the converter, with the lifetime license, knowing what I now know?  Yes. Since I prefer to listen to books in MP3 format it is a good choice for me.
The reason I prefer MP3 to Audible AAX is because the sound quality from my phone, via bluetooth in my car, is better via MP3.
06/28/2023 23:53:55
Great & good to know. I just wrote a review as I am not happy with the time it takes. Still I can not imagine why it should take so much extra time, ony because of the chapters. Maybe the developers know an answer?
06/8/2023 04:43:46
I've been using it for some time, and it generally works very well.  For people with hearing issues, it is nice get files that I can process with Audacity.  I have submitted a ticket for one aax that fails when I try to split by chapters, and will try to update my review to 5 stars when Epubor fixes the bug.  One gripe I have is that I can't change the default to "split by chapters".  That would be a very nice addition, and wouldn't have to affect anyone who doesn't want to use it.  Just add a checkbox to the dialog that says "and make this my default" and store the default in the windows registry.
06/28/2023 23:41:27

Epubor Audible Converter is quite a usable software - that means it works, but unfortunately it was programmed very uncharitably. Very simple things cannot be set (permanently). I have to click again with every new audiobook that I want to have chapters and the name of the audiobook (folder) is basically cut off after a few characters and has to be corrected by hand - really, you don't get that better?

There is also no built-in updater. Understandable, because the last version was released many months ago. Unfortunately, one waits in vain for improvements.

Every 5th or so conversion is marked "failed" and aborted for no apparent reason. There is no possibility to restart the conversion afterwards. So close the program, search for the .aax file again, drag it back in and cross your fingers. Most of the time it works, but it is absolutely not customer friendly, especially if you pay a lot of money for it.

Just now I saw that 60x faster is advertised. But in comparison to what? In practice, a 10h audiobook on my very good PC takes about 25 minutes. That should be known by anyone thinking of converting a few hundred audiobooks! The software also uses only 15% CPU and 120MB RAM (out of 32GB). Converting multiple files at the same time is of course not possible, although my system would easily manage 5 in parallel.

06/29/2023 09:59:11

Hello, thanks for your message.

I'm so sorry that you're not satisfied with our Audible Converter. If you failed to convert your Audible books, please contact us via support@epubor.com. We'll be willing to help you solve your problem. Thank you!

Best regards,
Epubor Team

07/29/2023 07:08:28
Wow! This works brilliantly.  I download all of my Audible purchases as a backup just in case...  It is so easy to use and has never failed.  I love the idea I can also choose to have it split by chapters so when I buy a compilation book with different stories, it is easy to have each of these stories saved separately. And I can choose the format I want to save my file in. I have recommended this programme to many of my friends, and I totally recommend it to you!
08/3/2023 12:00:01


Thanks for your comment. I'm glad that our software works for you!

Any other questions or concern, please feel free to contact us via support@epubor.com.

Best regards,
Epubor Team

08/1/2023 16:10:46
Cannot decript newer versions of Audible. Older ones still okay, but try it with a newer one, no show.
08/3/2023 14:05:13

Hello, thanks for your comment.

Could you please describe your problem with the new version of Audible Converter?

Please feel free to contact us via support@epubor.com. We're willing to help you solve your problem. Thank you!

Best regards,
Epubor Team

08/8/2023 06:47:22
Attempted to convert an 11 chapter book with the trial version and it stopped after 3 chapters. I would love to buy the version, but need to know it will work.
08/8/2023 11:49:18

For this problem, please contact us via support@epubor.com.

Best regards,
Epubor Team

08/19/2023 19:49:46
Does not convert .aaxc format, in contradiction what is advertised.
It points to install Audible, so it looks like it is made by Audible to recruit new customers.
08/21/2023 10:16:33

Hello, thanks for your message.

Our software supports to converting aaxc audible books, please install the latest version of Audible Converter, and log into your Amazon account, and then you can download your Audible books in aaxc and convert them to other audio formats.

Any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via support@epubor.com.

Best regards,
Epubor Team

09/4/2023 20:56:08
This would have been a 4-5 star review.  I've been using the program for some time, and it does a good job of converting Audible books to .mp3 for my car.  I've done much of my Audible library, and except for an occasional burp, it's worked well.  However, last night I "upgraded" to V1.0.11.173 and now it fails every single time at the end of the book.  Program hangs up and eventually has to be shut down via Task Manager.  Tried both downloaded books and those directly linked to Audible in the program.  At least 10 books/attempts.  I can still use the program, I just have to wait until freezes at the end, shut it down with TM, and restart another session.  Cumbersome, and it obviously prevents me from queuing multiple books.  I'm going to see if I still have the previous version downloaded an "unupgrade."
09/14/2023 18:24:14
Similar problems to those already mentioned i,e, freezing before end, but the most annoying thing is the constant request for 'registering'. Is this absolutely necessary? Without registering each time I only get the trial. Never had this problem before on older version. I also think some users will be rather wary of adding audible account info. Although it may make the process easier - does it now allow the possibility of accounts being hacked where customers' Audible and Amazon accounts are linked. I will keep to my old method drag and drop I think.
09/15/2023 09:32:15

Hello, thanks for your comment.

If your license email is invalid, please feel free to contact us by emailing support@epubor.com. We will active your license and send you the new code.

Don't worry about the security of your Amazon account, we will not collect and leak your personal data.

Any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Best regards,
Epubor Team

09/25/2023 02:02:47
Hello Guys
I have downloaded what I beleive is the latest version, and I get the following pop up " Epubor Audible .pkg cannot be opened because it is from an unidentified developer"
Please can you help
09/25/2023 09:20:01

Hello, thanks for your message

To solve this problem, go to System Preferences>Security & Privacy. On the General tab, click on the little lock icon in the lower left corner to unlock the general preference pane. Then select the Open Anyway radio button beneath Allow applications downloaded from.

If you still have the same problem, please feel free to contact us via support@epubor.com.

Best regards,
Epubor Team

12/13/2023 19:18:03
Tried the trial version.
Really a pity that it can only convert once. Not one Audiobook as you claimed, no, just one conversion.
This way I'm not able to try out the conversion options (split, nosplit, mp3) with the same audiobook.
As far as I see, it works, therefore the 2.5 stars.
12/15/2023 23:59:14
12/18/2023 10:43:36

Hello, thanks for your comment

Our Audible Converter can only support converting audible books you purchased from Audibe.

If there are any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via support@epubor.com.

Best regards,
Epubor Team

12/16/2023 00:02:51
12/24/2023 07:44:25

Hi there Epubor,

I just used the Trial version to see if it works to get Audible audio books on my new Kobo Libra 2. I did everything in the instructions, got the mp3 zipped and converted to .mp3z-file before adding it to my Kobo Libra 2 and unfortunately the device reboots when I try to open it. Do you have any suggestions for what I could try to make it work? I also tried to open the .mp3z-file on the Kobo after connecting to my headphones using Bluetooth. Still the Kobo reboots when I try to open the .mp3z-file...

Thanks for your help!

01/14/2024 18:28:58
Well, the software works so far but I have to agree with some of the other comments that the usage by blind people is anything but excellent! there are defintely things to improve however there is no other software currently i could find which can convert audible books to mp3 and my mp3 player is very old, very accessible and does not support aax format. Thus I baught a lifetime licence and hope that accessibility will imrpove over time.
04/17/2024 01:38:55
What's with the latest update? v Whenever I download, and then attempt to install it, I get told there's an error opening file for writing on the executable. I have re-downloaded it three times, and it still fails.
04/17/2024 08:44:10
Thank you for asking. The latest version of audible converter is Please download the latest version of audible converter for windows here: https://www.epubor.com/audible-converter-download.htm#os_Win
Then install it on your  computer. If this problem still persists, please feel free to contact us via support@epubor.com to get further assistance.
06/22/2024 01:45:15
lost my License and went through hell and still dont have it .......
06/23/2024 11:31:55
Thank you for using our software. We've sent the new license to your email box. Please check it. Any more problem, please feel free to contact us.
07/25/2024 01:29:59
Not happy with the new update. Can no longer drop aax files and convert. Have to sign into my audible account which I do not wish to do. Very bad decision on your part to change this.  

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