
Find QA: ultimate code

Registration Code --

I have bought:
Epubor Ultimate for Mac on sep 16, 2015
Single User License
Licensed to: stefan.knudsen1@gmail.com

Registration Code
Epubor Ultimate for Mac

but every time I try to use the program the license has expired, and now I have retrieved it three times and I'm not able to retrieve any more.
Why does my license expire so often?

Epubor Ultimate error code --
I need help reinstalling Epubor Ultimate on my laptop, that is now running Windows 10. The Program will not work after the update to windows 10. I tried updating the version of Epubor Ultimate that I was running both through the program itself and through the link on the website.
please contact me at unavailable001@yahoo.com
Am I free?? --
I want to make sure I’m not paying for epubor ultimate. Back in December I signed up for the free trial version (30 days). I do not remember giving my credit card information (though my memory may be playing tricks on me). I expected the program to stop working after 30 days, but it didn’t. Since this happened 8 months ago, I don’t remember the steps I took to install the program. How can I know if Epubor is charging me for using this program? Everything works just fine, which is highly suspicious.  Every time I open it, a window asking for my registration code pops up, but I just close it and use the program. Does this window pops up for those of you who have payed for Epubor? Also, the program (in the configurations part) says that I’m licensed to a free trial. I guess it should have my email there if I had paid for this.
Maybe I’m being paranoid. Help??
Changing from pc to mac --
I’m using pc at present but want to change to Apple Mac in the future.
Once I stop using pc am I able to download and install epubor ultimate on the Mac and use the same registration code.
Thanks Bob
Download Epubor Ultimate --

I bought Epubor Ultimate on 2019-05-2021.
Registration code: UEHYE8F-RY9DA6-NYKPR6-AK7YFZ-S2ADG7E
I made a clean réinstallation of Windows and lose my copy of Epubor Ultimate.
How can I recuperate a copy of Epubor Ultimate?

Jacques Morrier

I have my code for Ultimate.  Had to download to reinstall.  How do I enter the code on the Trial version?
I have a lifetime licence for epubor ultimate, bought in 2021, I deregistered on old computer, dowmloaded epubor, generated new licence code and message was "registration code not compatible with this software version"

Hi, I purchased Epubor Ultimate with lifetime license. My computer broke down, and I want to run Epubor Ultimate on my other computer.
So I downloaded and installed. Entered my license key => NoGo (License code can only be used to register in 365 days after being generated, but you can retrieve code here if your license is not expired.

I can go to 2Checkout, no issue to find my purchase, but code is the same as the one I have originally. So how can I do a reinstall after 365 days?

Please send me a new code. Thank you.
My purchase email = domusbvba@fastmail.fm
My order number =  202596948

Hi, I purchased Epubor Ultimate with lifetime license. My computer broke down, and I want to run Epubor Ultimate on my other computer.
So I downloaded and installed. Entered my license key => NoGo (License code can only be used to register in 365 days after being generated, but you can retrieve code here if your license is not expired.

I can go to 2Checkout, no issue to find my purchase, but code is the same as the one I have originally. So how can I do a reinstall after 365 days?

Please send me a new code. Thank you.
My purchase email = gumdo2@kakao.com
My order number =  179191388

Event viewer shows... HELP!

QT is not on my path anywhere else...
reinstalling does NOT help

blm3@svcglobal.net; b.medley@ussa.com

- <EventData>
  <Data Name="AppName">EpuborUltimate.exe</Data>
  <Data Name="AppVersion"></Data>
  <Data Name="AppTimeStamp">66bc09b0</Data>
  <Data Name="ModuleName">Qt5Core.dll</Data>
  <Data Name="ModuleVersion"></Data>
  <Data Name="ModuleTimeStamp">5fa1244d</Data>
  <Data Name="ExceptionCode">c0000409</Data>
  <Data Name="FaultingOffset">0000000000028578</Data>
  <Data Name="ProcessId">0x15d8</Data>
  <Data Name="ProcessCreationTime">0x1daf0c12e43cddf</Data>
  <Data Name="AppPath">C:\Program Files\Epubor\ultimate\EpuborUltimate.exe</Data>
  <Data Name="ModulePath">C:\Program Files\Epubor\ultimate\Qt5Core.dll</Data>
  <Data Name="IntegratorReportId">7d487f72-a6da-45ed-8cfd-70fff0a05539</Data>
  <Data Name="PackageFullName" />
  <Data Name="PackageRelativeAppId" />

Can you please send me a new registration code for ePubor Ultimate? New laptop.



registration code not working --

I purchased epubor Ultimate with a one year license for Mac.

When i enter the License email and registration code, it says the code is invalid. I purchased this yesterday.

What do I do?

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