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9/1/2020 3:30:25 AM
is there a way to convert Kindle .azw books to .epub using Epubor Ultimate or any other product. thanks
09/2/2020 08:39:15
Thank you for asking. Epubor Ultimate can help you convert kindle azw to epub.
If you have problems during the conversion process, please feel free to let us know.
Have a nice day.
Audra Mazeika
09/7/2020 08:05:26
I downloaded the free version , this apparently shows you how it works. It changes the .azw to text. Then you can convert the text to Epub. How would I convert the kindle directly to epub without removing all the formatting? If there is a way, then I will be glad to purchase the program. Thank you.
09/8/2020 08:58:17
Thank you for using our software.
It seems you are using the trial version of Epubor software. The trial version will decrypt 20% of each book and save the ebooks in text format.
To obtain the whole content in its original quality, you need to purchase the license. Here is the details of Epubor Ultimate:
Any more problem, please feel free to contact us via